Chapter 32

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The plane ride home was boring but Jàime and I tried to keep ourselves and each other busy. Jàime fell asleep so I am left to my thoughts. I kind of was expecting to stay for a couple days but everything was so rushed. It just feels, I don't know, impersonal.

Mae passed away and they were immediately moving stuff out, selling stuff, getting bids, it just all seems like people don't matter to them. Maybe I am just overthinking it because in America things are so different but then again maybe I'm just being biased because I am from America.

I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining because honestly this what I needed. Not that my grandmother passed away but because the money from her estate should help out with my money troubles. Maybe now I can pay back some of what I owe and pay it forward so I don't get behind.

I don't know why I even let myself get in over my head. I mean, I do know why, I'm used to Jàime splurging when I'm with her so I do but it doesn't fall on Jàime, I'm an adult so it falls on me. Even though Danique sends money I can't live my life like my funds are limitless because they aren't, or at least they weren't.

Maybe it's time for me to have a talk with her about this because what if in the future this happens again? What if I mess up my funding again and something happens then I have nothing to fall back on? I really need to get my shit together.

After I think for a while I fall asleep. I wake up to Jàime shaking my arm gently, we are at our layover in New York. We wait for everyone to get off the plane then follow behind them. We grab our carry on bags and then go get something to eat while we wait for the baggage guys to switch over all the luggage.

I feel so tired and I'm not sure if its all the flying or just because of everything else. Jàime and I hear the airport announce our flight so we make our way to the gate, give our tickets to one of the collectors then board the plane. The good thing is that we don't have that long of a flight from NY to California. I'm just looking forward to getting home and sleeping in my bed instead of an airplane seat.

Jàime and I get to our seats, put our bags in the over head cabin then sit down. I check my phone and see that Tate text me. He asked how things went and then asked if we were okay because I didn't respond. I text him back and say it went fine and see him soon. I figure I will check my bank quickly to see if any of the money came through.

I don't even know how much they are sending but I don't care, any amount helps even if it's only a couple thousand dollars. The size of the place, my family being royals and all the décor tells me it will be a bit more than that though. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll at least get enough to pay half of the things I have to pay back. I open my phone and open my bank app.

"Holy Fuck!" I shout making Jàime jump.

"What!" She shouts frightened.

I show her my phone.

"What the fuck!?" Jàime shouts.

"Ladies, I am gonna have to ask you to quiet down and stop using that language or you're off this flight!" The stewardess says angrily.

"Sorry." Jàime and I say.

"How?" Jàime asks.

"Must be Theo sent the money through. It had to be a mistake, right?" I ask.

"Dude. 6 million.." Jàime says.

"Yeah, I know. I'm gonna call Theo. There had to have been a mistake." I say.

"I would. That is just insane." Jàime says. I dial Theo's number and put my phone to my ear.

"Hello." Theo says.

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