Chapter 2

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I sleep on and off, I'm restless. Tired but restless. So I just lay in bed, sleeping, waking up, sleeping, so on so fourth. Dying sucks. Now my sleep schedule is shot. I go to climb out of bed, Kaden grabs my waist tightly but gentle enough so he doesn't hurt me.

"Where are you going?" He asks quietly.

"I can't sleep, I was gonna go watch TV in the living room for a bit." I say.

"I'll come with you." Kaden says. He grabs a pillow and a blanket from the closet then grabs my hand. Leading me out of my room then down the stairs. He puts a pillow down, lays down with the blanket and lifts it up as if he is telling me to get under the covers with him, I do. I face him as I lay down. I stare into his eyes.

"What?" Kaden says lowly.

"I just realized that I died a virgin." I say quietly. I chuckle.

"That's funny?" Kaden asks.

"Not really." I say.

"I didn't want to. I don't want to." I say.

"Don't want to what?" Kaden asks.

"Die a virgin." I say.

"You won't." Kaden says.

"I already did." I say.

"You're not dying again for a really long time." Kaden says.

"You don't know that." I say.

Kaden sighs.

"I thought you wanted to watch TV." Kaden says.

"I did. I do. I just keep thinking about dying and all." I say.

"Just close your eyes, try not to think about it and try to sleep. If not we can turn the TV on." Kaden says as he rubs my arm sleepily.

I start to fall asleep and I swear I heard him whisper something but I'm not sure what he said so I just brush it off and keep my eyes closed. I can feel the warmth of his body against mine as I drift off to sleep. The next morning I wake up I feel energized and refreshed. I stretch slowly, trying not to wake Kaden. I slowly get up and sneak into the kitchen.

"Morning." Jàime says startling me. I put my finger up to my mouth and shush her.

"Sorry, Morning." Jàime whispers.

"Morning." I whisper.

"So, Getting cozy on the couch are we?" Jàime asks quietly with a smirk.

"I couldn't sleep and was going to come to the couch to watch TV for a little while. Kaden woke up and came with me." I say.

"You gonna get on birth control?" Jàime asks as she sips her coffee.

"I'm not even having sex. I don't need it." I say.

"Maybe not yet, but when you do, trust me you're gonna want backup, just incase. Does help to have it in your system. Unless you want a little Kaden and Dane running around." Jàime says.

"Um, not gonna happen." I say.

"You'd be surprised how easy it can happen. Protection is protection, Gemma." Jàime says.

"Jesus. Okay, mom. Thanks for the sexual education lesson. I'm a virgin, not uneducated. I did pay attention in health class." I laugh.

"Do you need me to get some bananas so you can practice the old condom on the banana trick? Refresh your memory?" Jàime asks jokingly.

"Oh, God. No. Can we not talk about this? I just wanna focus on being alive right now." I say with a chuckle.

"Talk about what?" Kaden says sleepily as he comes into the kitchen.

Path Of Shadows: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now