Chapter 8

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The next morning I wake up before my alarm goes off. Kaden is curled up next to me. 5:45am. I get up quietly, gather my things then get ready for the day. After I get ready I head down to the kitchen and put on some coffee, checking my phone while I wait for it to brew.

"How was your night?" Dane says from behind me. He startles me and I drop my phone.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Dane says.

"I didn't even hear you come out." I say as I bend down to pick up my phone.

"You ready for your first day back?" Dane asks.

"Ready as I'm ever gonna be." I say.

"If you feel overwhelmed or anything, you can come to Kaden or I. You know that, right? You shouldn't have any problems with harassment but in case you do, come speak to me or Kaden about that too." Dane says.

"I know." I say.

"Don't tell me you know then try to deal with it yourself. I know you." Dane says.

"I won't. Okay." I say.

"So how was your night?" Dane asks.

"Thought you and Kaden had an agreement?" I ask.

"We do. I was just curious." Dane says.

"He told you about that?" Dane asks.

"Some of it." I say.

"Which parts?" Dane asks.

"The part about how you guys wouldn't have hard feelings." I say.

"Oh, so you and Kaden.." Dane starts to ask.

"No. Nothing happened. We kissed but that was it." I say.

"I see." Dane says, he has this look on his face like he's angry, sad maybe, I'm not exactly sure. It's hard to read.

"Why do you look upset?" I ask.

"I'm not." Dane says.

"You sure you're not just saying that because you don't want to stress me out?" I ask.

"You sleeping in my bed tonight?" Dane asks, changing the subject.

"Yeah." I say as I pour myself some coffee into a thermos then mix in cream and sugar. I screw the cap on and grab it off the counter.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Dane says. I sip my coffee then walk over to him.

"I want to." I say as I kiss his cheek and smile at him then I walk over to the door.

"You ready to go?" I ask him as I look back at him.

"Kaden!" Dane shouts upstairs. Kaden comes running down while slipping his converse shoes on. His curly, shorter on the bottom longish on the top, black hair falling over one eye, like always. He runs over to me kisses my cheek then grabs my coffee and sips it.

"Good morning." He says as he hands it back.

"Morning." I say with a smile.

"Ready?" Dane asks as he stands next to us by the front door. We all go out the door, Dane locks it behind us and then we pile into Kaden's car. I sit in the back.

"You excited?" Kaden asks me as he looks back at me in the rear view mirror.

"I guess. I'm kind of nervous. Like it's my first day all over again." I say.

"Well at least you have someone there with you this time and you're not alone." Dane says.

"Yeah. That is true." I say.

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