Chapter 26: Late night talk

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“Niall, please stop snoring…” I sighed as I threw my pillow in his direction, aiming for it to hit his head, but it fell somewhere between mine and his bed. He has been keeping me awake for an hour and a half already with his stupid snoring and this was my fifth try to make him stop snoring. I sighed again, got out of my bed to grab my pillow and threw it back on the right place. I decided to just wake Niall up now, because I couldn’t stand his snoring anymore. “Niall?” I softly said, not wanting to wake him up in a hard way, but when he didn’t respond, I shook him a bit, which made him wake up. Thankfully.

“Hey, what are you doing? Is something wrong?” he asked, looking a bit confused at first and he then rubbed his eyes. His hair looked like someone had just heavily ruffled it and it made him look like a furby.

“Yes… you’re snoring.” Niall sighed, rolled his eyes and turned around again, trying to get back to sleep. “You’re keeping me awake for an hour and a half already…”

“Well, sorry princess,” he sarcastically said and pulled his blanket over his head. “I’m trying to sleep as well so if you’d just like to leave me alone now…”

“Yeah, you’re the one who wanted me to sleep in your room, and I’m really tired. I haven’t properly slept for like a week or so.”

“Eveline, please stop complaining,” he sighed.

“Fine grumpy,” I just said, being totally annoyed with him and I walked back to my own bed, taking place underneath the blankets again. I knew Niall didn’t fall back asleep yet, because the snoring had stopped and I tried to take advantage of this. Too bad, I still couldn’t fall asleep, even though I was really tired and the room was silent. I tried to count till hundred, and back to zero. I tried to think about nothing, which was impossible. I turned a few times, but still couldn’t fall asleep.



“Are you still awake?”

“No, I’m sleep-talking,” I sarcastically said.



“For my snoring.” I chuckled.

“It’s ok.”

“How comes you haven’t slept properly for so long?” he now asked me.

“Didn’t you want to sleep?” I didn’t really want to talk about stuff like this at all. It only made me feel sad. Not thinking about all the bad stuff was much easier.

“I can’t sleep anymore.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“It’s ok. But, how comes you…” I didn’t let him finish the sentence.

“Too much on my mind.”

“Such as?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“It’s good to talk about it.”

“It’s not. I don’t like to talk.”

“I don’t want you to keep it all to yourself either. You can tell me, you know that. I even promised you I’d be there for you whenever you needed.”

“But I don’t need it.”

“You do, because it keeps you awake.” I sighed deeply and then started talking.

“I just don’t know what to do. I kind of think we’re doing the wrong thing. I mean like, it’s good that the whole world believes were in a relationship and all that, but it’s not like this whole thing will be over in a while. After the pregnancy, there will be a child and that child will be there for the rest of our lives. We can’t just say: ok, now we’re going to ‘break up’, because you will always be the father and I will always be the mother. And I know I won’t be the only lonely mother in this world, but it’s just so difficult because you’re famous and the whole world knows about every breath you’re taking.” Niall stayed silent for a while.

“But, what do you want to do then?” he hesitantly asked.

“I don’t know. There is no good thing to do. Everything is just fucked up. My parents hate me because I had sex with you when I didn’t even know you and they’re believing every rumour that’s in the papers, instead of believing me, because I lied to them before. My friends don’t really understand me and just miss me around when they’re going out and you’re actually the only person I have. How fucked up is that.”

“Well… thank you…” Niall laughed.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean it like that but…”

“It’s ok.” I turned around and I could see that Niall was sitting right up in his bed. I stepped out of bed again, grabbed my blankets and sat down on Niall’s bed again. “What are you doing?” he chuckled.

“Sitting with you,” I said as I wrapped the blankets around myself. “I really appreciate everything you do for me.” It was dark in the room, but I could still see Niall and the smile that had just appeared on his face. “And I know I don’t always show it. I should really be nicer to you.”

“It’s ok.”

“It’s not. I’m a bitch sometimes and you really don’t deserve that.”

“Well, this situation must be really hard for you and yeah you don’t know what to either and what’s right.”

“Yeah, we should probably make the best out of this.” Niall now nodded and I yawned.

“Sorry,” I apologized myself.

“You can go to sleep if you want to. I won’t snore,” he laughed.

“I just tried, I can’t fall asleep.”

“You can always try again.”

“Do you want me to get away or what…?” I laughed. Niall immediately shook his head.

“No! I didn’t say you should leave… I said you should sleep!” he said with a big grin and laid down again, pulling away his blankets as a sign that I should lay down next to him. I smiled, threw my own blankets on the floor and laid down on the bit of space that was next to Niall’s body. 

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