Chapter 37: It's all for her

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“Eveline, stay calm!” Emily’s voice sounded and she caressed my back. We were in the car and that driver was driving way too slow. My water had already broke and I was now wearing one of the boys’ sweatpants they had left in the dressing room. The contractions kept coming and they were hurting like hell. I was constantly squeezing Emily’s hand.

“This hurts so bad! God, I thought periods were bad!” I said and Emily chuckled.

“Even worse than periods… That’s impossible!”

“Well believe me, it’s much worse!” I said and I sighed deeply as the contraction went away.

“Stay strong for a little longer, dear! We’re almost at the hospital!” And Emily was right, we arrived at the hospital and she helped me out of the car.

“What if it’s just pre-contractions?” I asked Emily, panicking.

“Well, then we’re going back.”

“And I promised Niall to be there at their last concert and now I’m not!”

“Eveline, don’t even dare to think about Niall. It’s all about you now!” To be honest, I liked that sentence. We got inside the hospital and Emily did the talking. I couldn’t even concentrate on what she was saying, because I felt another contraction coming up. I tried to keep my face as normal as possible, but that didn’t work.

We got lead to a room with only one bed in it and the doctor told me to lie down. I did as she said, and when I laid down, I could feel myself getting a little bit more relaxed again.

“How long is this going to take?” I asked the doctor and she laughed a little.

“I can’t say that for sure. For how long have you already been having contractions?” she asked me. I felt the first one about an hour ago, when I felt bad about how Niall was feeling.

“For about an hour.” The doctor smiled at me.

“It can still take a while. I’m guessing this will be your first child?” I nodded. “Your now in the first stage and on average, that takes about eleven hours.”

“Eleven hours?” I said with big eyes. “Do I still have to be here for eleven hours?”

“Well, that’s only the first stage,” she explained to me. “It’s the stage where you are feeling contractions, where your water breaks and up until the full digestion. After that comes the second stage and that’s the stage where you can give birth. This takes about an hour, on average.” I sighed deeply. I really wasn’t ready for this. I was only pregnant for eight months and Niall and I were supposed to go to the hospital for information after his tour. But now it was already happening.

I had already been in the hospital for nine hours. Emily had stayed with me all the time and she had called Niall. I had asked him to bring me fresh clothes, clothes for the baby and the doctor had told me it’d be smart to bring me some lip balm. He had already been here for a long time as well, holding my hand, listening to my swearing and complaining and supporting me. I turned from my left side, to my right side because I couldn’t stand the pain any longer.

“Remember the breathing techniques you’ve learnt!” the doctor told me, but I didn’t learn any. We were so unprepared at this.

“I didn’t learn them,” I told the nurse and she told me how to breathe correctly. Niall helped me, by breathing in the same rhythm as I did.

“When you’re more relaxed, the digestion will continue faster. You’re at eight centimeters now and you’ll have to be at ten. We’re almost there!” Niall smiled at me and he softly squeezed my hand.

“I’m sorry I’m unprepared and I don’t know anything,” he said.

“Don’t be. We’re both unprepared, but I know you’re doing the best you can.” He smiled and softly kissed my temple. Another contraction came up and breathing started to speed up.

“Breathe with me!” Niall said and he started to breathe in that calm rhythm again, which helped.

“Your digestion is at ten centimeters! You can now start pushing!” Niall looked at me with big eyes and he was getting excited. I didn’t get that excited at all, because the pain was taking over me. But I knew that at this stage, it was almost over. All there was left to do was pushing the baby out and then I could hold it.

Emily had left the room, to give us some privacy, which I thought was really nice of her. When I felt a contraction coming up, I started to push. “Exactly like that!” the doctor told me and with every contraction, I pushed. And it hurt. It hurt really bad. I tried to relax in between each push, but that was a hard thing to do. Good thing I had Niall next to me, who helped me.

“I can see the head!” the doctor now said and both Niall and I looked at her with big eyes. She was just smiling and told me to continue pushing, but to be more gentle. I did what she told me to do and after a while, I felt a pressure. “Now the baby ‘crowns’ and it’s time to blow out all the air in your lungs instead of pushing!” she said and that’s also what I did. I could see the smile on the doctor’s face growing and so did Niall’s curiosity. “I can see its forehead!” she now said and when she announced she could already see its nose, Niall couldn’t contain his curiosity.

“Can I look?” he shyly asked me.

“Yes,” I softly said. This moment wasn’t about me anymore as Emily had told me. It was about our baby. Niall got up and that smile that was on his face right now, was bigger than the ones he had before he performed. He was looking at it full of disbelieve.

“The head is fully visible now!” the doctor said.

“And it’s beautiful!” Niall interrupted her. She laughed a little and continued talking.

“I’m now going to check if umbilical cord is around the neck.” When she told me everything was ok, I had to push again. The doctor was exactly telling me when I had to push and suddenly, everything went super quick. A towel got wrapped around the baby, the doctor suctioned its mouth and nose and Niall was looking at me with tears in his eyes. I could hear the baby crying, but the doctor told us that was normal. It was so the baby would open its lungs.

“It’s a girl,” he whispered. “It’s a girl,” he then whispered again, still not believing it. I was smiling widely.

“Even more important,” the doctor said. “She’s healthy.” He unwrapped her from the towel and softly laid her down on my bare belly. Niall got a blanket to lay down over her and I softly touched her. I stroke her hair with my hand, softly, scared to break her and Niall was just looking at her, teary eyed and with disbelieve. She had stopped crying.

“She’s so beautiful,” he whispered after we had both stared at her for a few minutes. “Just like her mommy,” he added.

“And her daddy,” I said and looked at Niall. He then leaned in, just as he did right before he had to go on stage. But this time, I didn’t turn my face. I just pressed my lips on his and admitted to my feelings. I’m in love with him. Deeply. And he’s the beautiful father of my beautiful baby girl. When we let go of each other, both our eyes were focused on our girl again. “She has your eyes and nose!” I whispered.

“And your mouth,” Niall said with a smile. We were both just looking at her. At her beautiful tiny face, her tiny hands, her tiny fingers. All these hours of suffering were for her. All these months of stressing, pain, tears were for her. All these rumours were for her. All the moments Niall and I had spent together were for her. Our love was for her. It’s all for her. 

This was the last chapter of Hit the pedal - Heavy metal! Please tell me your thoughts on my fanfic! If you really enjoyed reading this fanfic, you don't have to feel sad about this being the end, because there will be a part 2! 

Much Love! 

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