Chapter 28: The kitchen adventures

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It was 2 am and I couldn’t sleep, again. I had slept for a couple of hours in the afternoon, because I got tired of shopping, and now, I had too much energy to sleep. Niall wasn’t snoring tonight, but now I didn’t have a reason to wake him up either. My stomach started to scream for food and I actually was thirsty as well. And I also had to pee. I got out of my bed and first walked to the bathroom, where I had a wee and then I opened Niall’s suitcase to see if he had some food in it. You’ll never know with that kid… “What are you doing?” Niall’s voice suddenly echoed through the room. I looked up and then laughed, because I realized how stupid this must’ve looked.

“Looking for food. I’m hungry.” A loud laughter then burst out from Niall’s side and that actually shocked me. “Ssh! It’s 2 am!”

“Talking about food, I’m quite hungry myself,” Niall said.

“Why don’t you have like a bag of crisps in your suitcase.”

“Well, you don’t have it either.”

“No, but I expected you to have it.” Niall just looked at me for a little while and a small grin started to grow on his face.

“But I do know where they have food?”

“Really?! Where? I’m starving!”

“Come with me, my lady!” Niall said as he got out of bed and he made his way towards the door.

“Eh, before you leave the room, maybe you should put some clothes on…”

“Ah, don’t you think I look sexy like this?” Niall asked, being fake-offended.

“Yes, incredibly sexy. Now get your sweats or I won’t go with you.” He laughed a little and then grabbed his sweats from the chair. He quickly put them on and then we left the room. “And where are we going mister.”

“You’ll see…” I hated surprises, but I didn’t say anything about it and just waited until we had arrived. We ended up in some huge kitchen and I looked at Niall with big eyes.

“Niall, why are we in the kitchen of the hotel?”

“Well, you wanted food, you’ll get food,” he laughed and I just rolled my eyes. I looked around and there was a lot of food indeed, but most of it was uncooked.

“We still need to cook this…” I said to Niall.

“Then we’ll cook!”

“I can’t cook…”

“But I can! I’ll teach you,” he said as he took a knife and some groceries. “All you have to do is cut these! Do you like chicken.”

“Yes, I love chicken!”

“Good!” Niall said and he took out some more stuff from I had no idea where and I didn’t know how Niall actually knew where to find these things. I did what Niall told me to do and tried cutting the groceries, but I even failed at that. “You should hold the knife like this,” Niall said as he got behind me and took my hand, to show me how to hold the knife. I tried to cut it again. “See, much easier!”

“It is! Thank you!” I concentrated on cutting the groceries, when I suddenly smelled a delicious smell and when I looked up, I saw that Niall was already baking the chicken.

We both sat down on one of the counters. Niall placed the big plate in between us and we both took out our fork and knife. “Enjoy!” we said at the same time and Niall was the first to start eating. I followed him and first tried a bit of the chicken. “Wow, you’re a really good cook!” I said as soon as I tasted it. This was really good.

“Thank you! You’re a really good grocery-cutter,” he joked.

“Well, thank you!” We didn’t say much while we were eating our self-cooked meal, but the silence wasn’t a bad thing. There wasn’t really a silence though, because Niall chewed quite loudly.

“Did you like it?” Niall asked me when the plate was empty.

“Yes, definitely! But… we still need a desert!” I said as I jumped off the counter. Niall followed me and he was the first one to find the freezer.

“This looks nice!” he said as he took out a box of ice cream.

“Don’t they have something like chocolate sauce?” I asked as I looked around and after a while, I had found it. I grabbed it from the shelf and walked back to Niall, who was looking for spoons. I spread a bit of chocolate sauce on the ice and then, we took place on the counters again. Now I was the first to start eating and it didn’t take long until there was only a small piece of ice cream left in the box. “Yours or mine?” I asked Niall with a grin on my face.

“We could share…” Niall suggested.

“Nah,” I quickly put that last bit of ice cream in my mouth and Niall just looked at me as if I had committed the biggest crime ever.

“Wow, that was unfair!” I just shrugged my shoulders with a wide smile.

“You’re not the one who’s pregnant…” Niall now started laughing.

“You still have some chocolate on your lips though…” he said while he leaned in and my eyes were just stuck on his. When his face was only a few inches from mine, he closed those beautiful blue eyes and I closed mine as well. I could feel his breath on my lips and his fingertips were touching my cheeks. I could softly feel Niall’s lips against mine, until suddenly, a loud noise echoed through the room. I pulled away as quick as possible and when I looked into the direction where the noise came from, a big man was standing there. Niall had looked up as well and was able to respond quicker than I was, because he took my hand and jumped off the counter. I did the same and he then pulled me with him, to the door from where we had entered the kitchen. “Quick, run!” Niall said to me while he kept running and this time, we took the stairs back to our room instead of the elevator. The man that had caught us in the kitchen, wasn’t as fast as we were and Niall had closed the door behind us before the man had even arrived at our floor. “Hopefully he won’t catch us…” I said, feeling a bit scared.

“Yeah...” Niall said and we just looked at each other in silence for a little while, hoping we wouldn’t hear any footsteps, until the two of us burst out in laughter. 

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