Chapter 27: Bigger sizes for the baby!

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I woke up the next morning, kind of disoriented and it took me a few seconds before I realized where I was. For a few seconds, I closed my eyes again, but then I realized Niall wasn’t in the room anymore. I sat right up, and noticed the note he left on his pillow.

Hey Eveline! I’m already having breakfast. I was too hungry to wait and you looked too cute while sleeping to wake you up.

xx Nialler

First I laughed because he called himself ‘Nialler’, and then I just smiled, because he thought I looked cute while sleeping. I got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom, to take a quick shower and then dress myself to sweatpants and a shirt of Niall. I barely fitted my own shirts anymore and these sweatpants were the only pants that were still comfortable. I tied my hair up in a ponytail, looked for a pair of shoes and when I had them on, I left the hotel room, to go to the dining room. When I arrived, I looked for some blond tufts and as soon as I saw a guy with a wide smile waving at me, I had found Niall. I waved back at him, took a plate, a roll of bread, a cup of tea and then walked up to Niall, the other boys and Bea and Daya. “Couldn’t find your own clothes?” Zayn jokingly asked me. He was the first one to notice that I was wearing Niall’s shirt. 

“Yeah, my own clothes don’t really fit me anymore…” I said as I sat down next to Niall, not feeling really comfortable with saying that sentence out loud. For some reason, Louis’ face lit up a bit and Liam already face-palmed himself.

“You know what that means…” Louis said to me and I just shook my head. “That means… shopping!” I started laughing. It had been a long time since I’ve been shopping for the last time. I hated to go shopping with this body. Nothing looked nice on me and taking a bigger size than a size 8 just hurt.  

“That’s a great idea actually! But I always get stressed out from shopping because nothing fits me.”

“Sweetie,” Zayn now started talking. “Your body is changing, because you’re pregnant. Not because you’re fat. There’s nothing to be ashamed about and of course you need bigger sizes now, but you’ll be in shape again after you have pooped out that baby.”

“Hey, don’t be so disrespectful towards my little boy!” I laughed and I wrapped my arms around my own belly. Many pairs of eyes were now staring at me.

“Do you already know the gender?” Harry was the first one to ask and then I realized what I had said.

“No, I don’t. I just think it’s going to be a boy.”

“Really, why?” Niall now asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I don’t know. It’s just a feeling. But ok, so we’re going shopping?” I changed the subject.

“Yes!” Louis immediately shouted and everyone else agreed on the idea as well. So after breakfast, we all went back to our own rooms so we could get ready. I took my bag and got out a pair of jeans.

“I’m going to try to squeeze myself inside of these. I’ll be right back,” I said before going inside the bathroom and locking the door behind me. I pulled off my sweatpants and after a little while, I had managed to squeeze myself into the jeans. It wasn’t too comfortable, but going shopping in sweatpants was just a no-go. I left the bathroom again, took my makeup out of my bag and started applying it in front of the mirror. “Is it ok for your if I’ll keep your shirt on?” I asked Niall, who was just playing a bit with his phone.

“Yeah sure! It looks good on you.” I started laughing.

“Don’t try to flatter me.”

“I’m not!” Through the mirror, I could see that Niall was looking at me, so I stuck out my tongue, which made him laugh. “Eveline?”


“Do you ever feel the baby kick?”

“Eh yeah, sometimes, why?”

“Can you tell me next time he is? Because I’d love to feel that. It’s still kind of unreal for me that there’s something alive in your belly. But only if you’re ok with it of course!”

“Oh yeah, sure! I’ll tell you!” Niall smiled at me and I put my makeup away, because I was finished. “Ready?” I asked him, but since he was already playing with his phone all the time I had been doing my makeup, I assumed he was.

“Yes, you?”

“Yep! Let’s go then.” I took my bag and we headed off to the hallway, where we’d meet up with the others.  

I still didn’t feel really comfortable in a bigger size and I didn’t want to get out of the fitting room. “Ev, are you ready?” Niall asked me.

“Eh, yeah…” I said and Niall moved away the curtain.

“Wow, that looks so good on you!” he said as soon as he saw me. I shook my head.

“No, it doesn’t.”

“Why not.”

“Because it’s a size 12…” I whispered. Niall chuckled within a sigh.

“So what? That’s just a number. You could wear a size 20 and still look beautiful.”

“That’s not true…”

“Of course it is! No one can see on the outside that that’s a size 12! It looks beautiful on you, fits you perfectly and that’s what matters right? Look at you!” he said as he got behind me. He rested his head on mine, placed his hands on my belly and looked at me through the mirror. “You’re beautiful. When I saw you in Funky Buddha that time, I was stunned by how pretty you are. And to be honest, right after you had left my apartment the next morning, I wished I had made more out of it than just a one night stand, but you were already gone. You had the perfect smile around your lips while you were dancing and I must admit, your body was in perfect shape as well. But it still is. This is not the shape of a fat girl. It’s the shape of a beautiful, pregnant girl, who carries a baby, which is also a beautiful thing. You shouldn’t see your bigger belly as a negative thing. See it as the house of our little baby, its protection and its safety.” Niall and I didn’t lose eye contact for a second while he was talking and I could feel my eyes watering.

“You’re right,” I whispered. “I’m not fat, I’m pregnant.” I could see a smile starting to grow on Niall’s face and he softly kissed my hair.

“Exactly!” And all of a sudden, I felt a little kick of the baby, right there where Niall had placed his right hand.

“Did you feel that?” I asked Niall. He nodded. “It just kicked. I think it wanted to thank you for your sweet words because they made its mommy feel a lot better.” The smile on Niall’s face and the sparkle in his eyes were indescribable.

“Then it still has a lot to learn if it thinks kicking is a way to thank people,” he chuckled and the smile on my face, couldn’t be any bigger. 

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