Chapter 39 - Sports Festival

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Izuku's training was brutal. And that wasn't the beginning of it. Foster prevented him from using the phoenix force and instead had him focus on developing his senses and combat skills through what seemed to be overkill.

Izuku would spend an hour in front of a tennis ball launcher and had to punch each and every ball that came his way. The machine was at defaulted to fire the tennis balls at full speed. That means that Izuku spent the first half of his first week training with Roger getting pelted till he was sore.

The second half of his training was just at brutal. 50 push ups on his knuckles, 50 push ups on his fingertips, a few core exercises, a little bit of running (10 kilometres, nothing more and nothing less) and finally some close combat to improve the way he used Colossus' abilities.

In under a week's time, Izuku went from getting his ass handed to him in training to stalemating soldiers in combat. By the second week, he was able to go toe to toe with Lieutenant Cage with a 2 out of 10 chance of beating the man.

Ochako went through similar training with Foster, focusing more on hit-and-run tactics since it suited her quirk as well as the type of hero she wanted to be.

She would do the same tennis ball launcher exercise except, instead of punching the balls away like Izuku, she had to dodge the balls. Unfortunately, her results were the same as those of Izuku, who was pelted by the tennis balls for almost a week. After almost 4 hours of being bruised by tennis balls, Ochako would go through the same basic exercises that Izuku did, only they were modified to suit Ochako's training regimen.

While this was going on, the other students were being tortured—yes,  tortured. Because yes, that was what was going on in their training. They would be beaten black and blue by the soldiers before being forced to run a 10K, perform 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 100 squats every single day, on top of combat training with their respective trainers. Many of the students would even faint during the run, and those that were able to complete the set were too exhausted to even complain.

But it all paid off because, by the end of the two weeks of training, Izuku and everyone in class 1-A and 1-B had become considerably stronger. Some of the students even improved their quirks, unlocking new moves thanks to the training.

2 weeks later, all the students and their parents had assembled at the UA stadium. The arena was heavily guarded by agents, and all the parents had been given a guard who was ordered to stay with them the entire time they were at UA.

Nezu thought it was a little bit excessive but after the events of USJ, he knew it was needed. The guards weren't for the safety of the parents, rather they were to ensure that Izuku was able to stay under control while he fought in the showcase battle.

"Thank you all for joining us today." Nezu greets the parents. "As you all have already been informed, we'll be replacing this year's sports festivals with a showcase due to recent events. Eraserhead will take you through the entire event. Students are requested to pay attention to the next announcement because it will happen only once."

Aizawa walks up to the stage Nezu was on and sighs on the mic. "I'll make this quick. Everyone from both class 1-A and 1-B will be fighting Shimura Izuku and Uraraka Ochako. That's your task. There are 45 individuals who will be placed across the arena, they will be responsible for tracking your progresses and scoring you all. If there are students from the other courses who would like to take part in the battle, you can talk to Present Mic. The challenge is open to all students, so please take this as your chance to show off to the staff what you're capable off. And what you've learned in the past two weeks. And before all the parents ask me about the fairness of all of this, let it be known that this was a request from the people who trained the students." He informs the students.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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