Where is Haasini?

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Shivani s POV :

I'm very tired after reaching the flat. But I need to arrange my clothes na so I asked arjun where to keep it. He said the new cupboard we ordered will come in few days and asked me to adjust. I nodded and arranged it in his bedroom.

He went to fresh up and after sometime I went to fresh up not before arranging it. I went to make coffee for us after that. I didn't inform him that I'm going to make coffee. Even after our engagement I came here few times but now it's different because I came here as his wife.

" Shivuu" I heard him calling me. I went forgetting the coffee 😅. I entered his room but he is nowhere seen. I felt someone's hands around my waist. I know who it's.

" Ajjju.. Leave me na" I whined but he didn't leave me.

" You know what I controlled myself before marriage while your here. But now I think I no need to do so" he said and nuzzled my neck. I pushed him lil no no I tried to do. But I can't 🙊😂

Then he itself left me as we felt something burning. I ran to the kitchen as reality striked me and off the stove. He is glaring me.

" Why are you glaring me? Mistake is yours too" I said glaring him.

" Did you say about the milk?" He asked and I don't know what to say.

He continued" You are very careless Shivani. I accept my mistake too. But you should have said na see now it's extra work for us to clean this" he said rudely.

I know it's my fault but why is behaving rudely with me. In first day itself we are arguing then for the entire life??

Seeing my face he came near me and cupped my cheeks. I don't know what came over me I removed his hands and he got a call. He glared me and went inside his room.

'its our room' my inner conscience mocked me.

Did I over reacted? Nono he is also rude. I said and he came out. I think he is going out.

" I'm going to see Haasu. " He said and I whispered" sorry" .

" It's okay..Clean it ..I won't help you" he said with attitude and I turned my face.

He came near me and held my hands.

" Dramaqueen. I have an important work..Also I didn't talk with her for the past one week so I'm going..Clean the kitchen I will buy dinner for us " he said and kissed on my nose. I smiled and said" I will make dinner .No need to buy" I said and though he said he will buy I convinced him that I will make.

" Our first fight after marriage" I said and he look at me like I'm some alien.

" This is called fight?" He asked and I smiled sheepishly.

" It's a memory Mr . Dimple" I said and he laughed.

" Ok..I'm going..I will be back soon. Take care" he said and I nodded.

" If possible call Haasini too" I said and he nodded with smile.

Dharani s POV :

We reached home and he didn't even utter a word. I know it's not totally his fault but I'm unable to digest the fact. I need Sometime to forget it. He said from tomorrow for an week he will be busy as he took leave.. I just nodded . I went to prepare dinner and dhruv went to play with his friends. He is watching TV.

I made upma as I'm tired and went to talk with him. Dhruv will come after sometime I can't talk before him so I decided to talk now.

" Aadhi" I called him and he look at me like what.

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