Mood swings 🙈

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" Yes Aadhi..I didn't do it wantedly but....." She said with puppy eyes and he just nodded. He went inside the kitchen and he is shocked to see the condition of the kitchen .

" Dharu?" He look at her shocked and she smiled sheepishly.

It's like a dustbin not like a kitchen 😆.

" Actually I was searching wheat flour to make some snacks but ..." She stopped and he look at her sadly.

" Should I clean it?" He asked sadly and she nodded avoiding his gaze.

" Okay you take rest." He said and she smiled brightly.

" Love you Aadhi.." saying so she kissed his cheeks and went to take rest not before taking the snacks 😌.

" Ajjjjuuuuuuu..." She said as soon as he attended the call.

" Hey ratchasi... Don't shout..Are you okay?" He asked and Shivani scolded him under her breath but he heard it .

" Always scolding me huh?" He asked and she chuckled.

" Okay now say me why you called me during working hours?" He asked her.

" Will you buy me kitkat and diary milk also sauce ...Then bread packet also some cashew nuts..If possible raw mango too." She said and he understood about her mood swings. He don't know whats she upto today.

" Okay." He said and disconnected the call.

He came home buying everything she said. She gave him a bright smile .

He went to fresh up and when he came he's shocked to see what's she doing.

She broke the kitkat and diary milk into tiny pieces and mixed it with some sauce . She added cashew nuts too." His eyes widened in shock .

' thank God she didn't add the bread to it.' he said and she came near him with that bowl.

" For you?" She forwarded him a spoon and he immediately moved back Making her angry.

" Won't you eat it for me?" She asked making a crying face.

" Oii drama queen stop it.." he said and switched on the TV .

" If you didn't eat this now. I won't make dinner." She said crossing her hands across her chest.

" For you kind information Mrs. Selfie I know cooking and you know that I cook better than you." He said with a smirk and she pout.

" That's why it's better to marry a person who don't know cooking. But my fate.." she murmured under her breath and he look at her like what.

" Nothing." She said and went to her room not before taking the bowl with her.

He chuckled and continued his work.

Haasini is walking here and there. This morning few ladies from their colony complained about Chezhiyan dropping her late-night and his visit to her house.

Her mother didn't care about their words. She said she know about her children and not to interfere in their personal.

But Haasini is very disturbed. She wanna know her position in his life right now. So she asked him to come .

Chezhiyan who came is confused by seeing her expression.

" Oiii monkey.. What happened?? " He asked and she glared him .

" I love you... Do you love me?" She asked looking into his eyes.

" Haaasu..Is this important now?" He tried to divert the topic but she isn't in the mood to listen.

" I want the answer right now Chezhiya." She said in a determined tone .

" What you wanna know?" He asked in an uninterested tone.

" Do you love me?" She asked with expectation in her eyes.

" No.."   He said and she don't know what to say now.

" But I will marry you. Not because I love you but I pity my aunt how is she managing you. Also you stole my heart . Me being a responsible police officer I should arrest you na?" He said and she didn't expect it.

Her eyes are teary and she hugged him immediately.

" I love you stupid." He said and her happiness can't be described in words.

She's literally flying. He cupped her cheeks and kissed on her forehead.

She buried herself in his chest and he held her tight like she's the most precious possession for him.

The next morning Arjun is getting ready for work. Shivani came out of their room with teary eyes.

" Arjun.." she called him in a low tone.

" Hey what happened?. Are you okay?? " He asked cupping her cheeks.

But what she said next is the thing he least expected.


Precap : The end.

Haiii cutiess.. Sorry for being late..I will update the last part on Sunday..

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