His past 😑

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Author's POV

The next day everyone are packing their clothes as they are leaving this evening..Shivani asked Dharani " I need that bangle ka .. Yesterday you kept in the cupboard na??"..Shivani saw Aadhitya going inside his room so she thought of giving them some privacy..Dharani said she will bring the bangle and went to her room.. She searched the bangle inside the cupboard but it's not in the place she kept.. Being tensed she searched everywhere in the cupboard but the bangle is not there..That bangle is very special as it's gifted by her father...

Aadhitya who was taking bath heard some opening and closing sound from his room.. When he came out he saw Dharani searching something with tension..

'She is pregnant but is she behaving like that?? Even yesterday night she did all the works alone' Aadhitya thought..

" What are you doing? " He asked Dharani..

She turned and as she didn't expect him there she gave him an baffled look . It's like a child who is caught while eating chocolates 🤭..

He laughed at her expression and asked" Oii rasgulla .. What are you searching??" She blushed as he addressed her as rasgulla after a long time and she said about the bangle..He understood it's Shivani s plan.. Without saying anything he took the bangle from an box inside the drawer in dressing table ..

" Who kept it there??" Dharani asked and he said that he kept it there along with her chain so it's easy for taking..

" Why are you avoiding me?? I didn't even say others about my pregnancy.. Aren't you happy??" She asked sadly..His heart pained ..If he didn't come to know that Dharani Don't know about his past he would her treated her like a queen..But now the situation is totally different..

" It's nothing like that..I was tensed about her marriage that's why..I'm really very happy and Dharani I'm not in a good mood.. Please don't ask anything now " Saying so he left the place.He went to fields and his mind is filled with past memories..

He met Neha in college and they both fell in love.. Aadhitya, Neha and Ramya are best friends and they enjoyed the college life a lot.. Though Aadhitya and Neha become a couple they never left Ramya alone.. Everything went well till the farewell party..

" I will miss you both a lot" Ramya said with tears in her eyes and hugged Neha ..

" You can stay for some more time na" Aadhitya asked sadly .

" No Aadhi ..Dad is waiting outside the restaurant..I need to go..Even I wanted to stay but I can't..You guys enjoy.." Ramya said and smiled at them..

" Take care Rams..And please don't worry..We got job in the same company and we will enjoy a lot" Neha said with a bright smile and Aadhitya look at her lovingly..He admires this quality of Neha ..She always handles everything positively...

After Ramya went Aadhitya said he will drop Neha on her house..She too agreed and he started his bike..

They reached her house and she invited him in.. Though he rejected as it's night time she compelled him to come so he went in ...

" What happened to my Neha?? She invited me that too in night time" Aadhitya asked her and she smiled..

" My parents went to attend a wedding..They will return tomorrow evening..So no one are here now that's why I invited you" She said and he laughed..

" Is this the way to treat the guest who came to your house?" Aadhitya said and she bite her tongue..

" Wait a minute" She said and rushed to kitchen..

She came back with two cups of coffee and forwarded a cup to him.. After having coffee he said he will leave and got up from the couch..

" Aadhi..I will miss you a lot" She said and hugged him..He didn't expect this..First hug from the girl he loves..

He hugged her back and kissed on her forehead..She is suprised as Aadhitya always maintain a distance from her..She blushed and lowered her head..

She is looking very beautiful in that red saree ..And her blush is making her look more beautiful.. Aadhitya cupped her face and he is totally lost in her..She is also lost in his eyes and when he moved further she didn't stop him ..When she tried saying something only air came out from her mouth 🙈Love and lust are equally seen in his eyes..They made love...

The next morning she started crying and he felt guilty..He saw her in saree for first time..So he lost his control and they committed a big mistake..

" We can marry soon " Neha said crying and Aadhitya felt a deep pain in his heart..He hugged Neha but now there is no lust in his hug..It's like a mother hugging her daughter...

" Do I look like a man who leaves after this??" He pointed the bed and she didn't say anything..He is badly hurt but he understood her situation and said" I need sometime I will talk with my parents after we settle down.. Wait for me ..I won't leave you at any situation" He said and she just nodded..He went from her house as he can't see her like this..

Thinking about it made him guilty.. How will he face Dharani??? His phone rang and he attended it.. Arjun called him..

" Where are you Anna?? We need to go Chennai.. Come home " Arjun said and he answered he will come in few minutes and disconnected the call..

He went to his house and got ready..When he came down he saw Haasini pouting, Shivani suppressing her laugh and Dharani trying to convince her..

" Please haasu ..It's already late .. Don't be adamant" Dharani said and Haasini made a crying face ...

" But you guys said we are living next week only na?? " Haasini said..

" Who said?? " Dharani asked her and Haasini glared Shivani ...

" Why are you glaring me?? You said it will be good if we stayed for a week and I said we will stay..I said to make you happy..how do I know that you are thinking like that still now..If you had asked me again I would have said" Shivani said innocently and Dharani slapped her forehead...

Aadhitya laughed seeing this and Dharani who saw him laugh got angry...

" Here I'm trying to convince her and you are laughing" she said and Aadhitya kept finger on his lips..But by seeing Haasini he laughed again.. Dharani look at him like she will burn him if he continued his laugh..So he asked Haasini  why she is not coming..

" I gave my dress  for stitching.." She said and Dharani said that she will ask Nikhil to bring her dress when he comes Chennai orelse he will send her dress through courier ok?? Come "

" But what if I need any changes?" She asked and Dharani got irritated..

" I'm gonna kill you..if you want any changes I will make it for you..I used to stitch clothes but now a days due to heavy work I'm not stitching so I will make it for you ok" Dharani said trying to be calm...

" But ...." Before Haasini could complete Dharani kept her hands on Haasini s mouth... Aadhitya and Shivani laughed seeing them.. Finally Haasini came and everyone bid bye to their family..Nikihil went with them to railway station...


Precap: Shivjun to spend time with each other ❤️❤️❤️

Haiii cuties.. Sorry for the delay.. Hope you like this.. Please do vote and comment...

Thank you so much for all those who voted and commented..❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍

I don't wanna drag Aadhitya s past as I Aadhi and Dharani are my fav 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 also I don't wanna bore you guys 😂😂😂..The remaining past will be revealed in the upcoming updates...

With love,
          Magizhini .

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