Found her❤️

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Haasini s pov :

I heard the sound of footsteps so I hide the pepper spray behind me. I switched on my phone immediately and threw my bag aside. I muted my phone tensedly and shared my location to Arjun. I am sure he will be searching me now..

Few men entered with a smirk and my heart started beating fast..God! Please save me ...But I didn't expect the person who came next..

" I said you many times haasu..Not to involve in that case..But what you did?? You filed a complaint against me" he yelled at me.

" Aren't you ashamed to do like this?? You are killing innocent kids and your making money with their organs.." I said angrily..

" Why should I be?? Most of the doctors are doing it.. Just one day you came to my hospital and you found the truth that I hide for the last 15 years. You even complained to my wife about it..Now she is asking the records  for the past 5 years.. I would have left you if you stopped there but you said it to another doctor who visits my hospital on the weekends..He is the guy who proposed you right? Okay leave it..Ready for your punishment?" He asked and without waiting I sprayed the pepper spray on his face and for his men..By God's grace I sprayed on everyone asap and ran from there taking my phone and handbag.. After I went out I locked the door so that they can't follow me..I could hear them shouting .But I don't care..They are disgusting people..

Using the Google map I reached the main road..It's very dark and I managed with torch but now my phone s battery died..Aiyoo..What will I do now.??

I saw a police Jeep there ..It's Chezhiyan s Jeep..Thank God! ..Also  Arjun is there..I rushed to them but I fell down as I'm very tired and I can't walk more than that..I already walked a lot now I have no energy...

It's paining like hell 😭😭..

Haasini s POV end

Arjun's POV:

When we heard some sound and came out Nila akka s brother said " Chezhiyan I thought of meeting you.. Haasini is kidnapped..I know who did this.. Before some days Haasini said to me about the weird things happening in the hospital that I attend during the weekends. But I didn't take it seriously after a week she gave me some proofs related to it..They are killing innocent children who come for treatment and sell their organs. They asked me about it..I didn't say that I have the evidence I just said I know and I will bring it to light.. Before an week I got a call that Haasini is kidnapped I don't know with whom should I say..I was very tensed.." he said and I don't know what to do..

Chezhiyan asked me to accompany him..Shivani said she will also come.. I didn't agree with her.. Already Haasini is in trouble ,I don't wanna involve her too..I can't take her with us..She didn't argue she just nodded and went inside not before asking us to inform if we got any information about Haasini..

Chezhiyan started the Jeep , but his hands are trembling he is very tensed ..
So I said I will drive..I have no idea where is she as only few people know about the owner of that hospital..But I think no one saw him as I heard mostly his son in law will be visiting the hospital..

I got a msg from Haasini..She shared her location..We got a new Ray of hope..We went there as soon as possible..I stopped the Jeep near the main road.

" Why you asked me to stop??" I asked Chezhiyan..

" We can't risk her life Arjun..Let's wait for few minutes..There are 3 Warehouses..We don't know the exact location..Also 3 are at the same distance from this place.." Chezhiyan said and we are thinking what to do next..

Chezhiyan shouted " Haasini..." . I'm shocked to see Haasini lying unconscious on the road...We rushed to her and sprinkled water on her face..She slowly opened her eyes..

I'm feeling guilty..

" Haasu.. What Happened?" Chezhiyan asked and she whispered " water ..."

I made her drink the water and helped her to stand..I don't want to stress her so I requested Chezhiyan not to ask about anything now..He nodded and Chezhiyan said he will drop Haasini home. I nodded and is about to sit in the passenger seat. But Haasini held my hands and asked me to be with her in a low tone. She is shivering so I held her hands tightly and sat with her in the backseat.

As Chezhiyan stopped the vehicle in my flat I got down and asked Haasini to be safe..She nodded and asked about Shivani...I said she is good and came in not before asking Chezhiyan to inform me after leaving her in her house.

When I'm about to press the calling bell Shivani opened the door...

" How is Haasini? Chezhiyan Anna texted me before few minutes I was waiting for you" she said and her voice is enough to know that she is very tired..She cleaned everything I think..

" She is good..You must be tired na take rest " I said and she glared me ...

" It's all because of him only now saying take rest like if he cares" she murmured..

" I heard it" I said and she twisted her lips..

" Selfie.. Tomorrow shall we go to Haasini s house before going to work?" I asked her and she nodded with a smile..

" But one condition" she said I look at her like what..

" I'm feeling tired so you should cook tomorrow morning" she said and without waiting for my answer she ran inside the room..

I locked the door and switched off the lights and went to sleep..

It's 11:30 but still I didn't get sleep..Many things happened today..Thank God! We found Haasu or else I wouldn't forgive myself for this..I turned and saw Shivani using her phone.

" You didn't sleep? I thought your sleeping" I asked her.

" I tried to sleep but I didn't get sleep so thought of using phone for some time.." she said and I glared her...

" It's not good to use phone at this time..Keep the phone and sleep" I said in a strict tone.

" Your too bad..I hate you Mr.Dimple " she said and kept the phone..

I expected her to argue with me but due to tiredness she kept the phone I think..I don't know what came over me but after hearing hate you from her I whispered " But I love you selfie 😘" ..She look at me suprised and I realized what I said to her...I cursed Haasini as mostly when Chezhiyan says I hate you she replies but I love you...

Hearing her I too started saying it sometimes..Once I said with Aadhu and now Shivu..God😂...

" I didn't mean it.....I ........" I don't know what to say..

" My fate..I'm married to the boring person in this world who thinks it's wrong to propose his own wife.." she said dramatically..

" Now where your tiredness gone?" I asked her and she smiled sheepishly and closed her eyes..I'm sure she isn't sleeping..

" Are you feeling sleepy?" I whispered in her ears. She slowly opened her eyes and I sealed her lips....

His POV end


Precap: Revenge time 😜

Haiii cutiess... Extremely sorry for being late and for this boring update...I will try my best to entertain you all from the next part 🤩

Thank you so much for all who voted and commented 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

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Stay safe and take care ❤️❤️❤️❤️

With love,

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