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Ramya s POV :

I wanna apologize Mugen and his mom..I am waiting for the auto impatiently and without making me wait for the long time it came..

I asked the driver to go fast and dialled Mugen's number..But it's busy..He texted me that he have an important work and will call me back..I replied ok ..

I thought of calling my MIL but it won't be good if I apologized like this..My mind is filled with these memories and I didn't realize that the vehicle didn't move for the last few minutes...When I asked the driver about it he said traffic jam..But red light isn't there..Then what made the traffic like this..

I could see a crowd and I heard someone talking that an accident happened few minutes ago but no one cared about it..

Somewhere in my heart I felt something bad is gonna happen ..I went there and to my horror it's Aadhi calling ambulance..But he's also injured blood is oozing out from his wound..I rushed to him and called him .

" Aadhi..Your fine???" I asked tensed .

" I'm ok Ramya..But he is struggling.." Aadhi said tensed others are just watching but none came forward to help us..They asked Aadhi to move away as it may result in a police case..Aadhi look at them in a disgusted way..The ambulance arrived and I helped Aadhi ..

Author's POV:

They reached the hospital and admitted him ..The doctors took him into the ICU Ward..Aadhi lied that it's his brother..Ramya asked the nurse to treat Aadhi s wounds also..

They informed to the patient s family using his phone..

After bandaging his hands Ramya asked " what happened?"

" He came in a wrong way and bumped into my bike..But I applied sudden break and his vehicle got hit by the lorry but the Driver didn't slow down instead he went very fast the lorry is about to hit me too..when I tried to escape my hand got injured.." He said and pain is clearly visible in his voice..

" Is it paining?" She asked worried and he just nodded his head..

Dharani is tensed thinking about him..He said he will call her after reaching but still he didn't call...His number is not reachable and she is very tensed..

Aadhitya remembered about Dharani and scolded himself mentally for forgetting to inform her..

He called her and she attended at first ring itself.

" Aadhi .. What happened? Why you didn't attend the call? I was ..." Before she could complete he stopped her..

" Dharu ...Chill I'm good.. Just a small Accident I'm not going to office I will come home.. Don't worry..." He said and disconnected the call..

" How will you drive?? Come let's go by an auto..We can leave your bike in the shed and ask the mechanic to bring it home.." she said and he nodded.

After reaching his house Aadhi invited Ramya in but she wanna meet Mugen as soon as possible..
So she said she wanna go home now and will come on some other day.. Aadhi nodded and the auto went..

He rang the bell and Dharani who opened the door is shocked to see his condition..

" What happened??" She asked and hugged him immediately..She started crying and Aadhi is trying to pacify her..

" Dharu..Look at me I'm okay ma.." He said carreseing her hair and she didn't even move from him ...

" It's paining." He said and suddenly she moved from him..

They didn't speak anything..To avoid talking Dharani switched on the TV..The headlines is " Businessman encountered by DSP Chezhiyan.."


Two months passed and many things have changed.. Trisha and Chezhiyan didn't contact each other after that..On that Day she cried holding his collar and argued with him..Then she thought of letting him go..She let him go from her life forever..She started taking care of their business..

At beginning it hurted him but Haasini stood by him..She spent time with him and never allowed him to be alone Other than working hours..

Arjun and Shivani s life is going in a good way with little fights and romance..Nikhil convinced tejus parents and asked them sometime to talk with his family..

Ramya apologized to Mugen but with her MIL more than her words her actions spoke..She called her MIL weekly thrice and talked with her..Even though she didn't respond at the beginning now both developed a good Bonding..

Dharani started behaving normally with Aadhitya and their life went well..

Shivani is very nervous today.. She's not getting periods for the past two months... She brought pregnancy kit for testing..She don't wanna give false hopes to Arjun..So she thought of confirming first..

IT'S POSITIVE.. Her happiness knew no bounds..She is having tears in her eyes..She carresed her stomach and is waiting for Arjun s arrival...


Precap: Resignation??

Haiii cutiess.. Sorry for being late..I am not sure whether I will be able to update criminal crush today..I will try my best..I didn't start typing it yet.

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