Halwa or Jasmine?? 🙈

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Author's POV

Arjun and Shivani didn't expect this..Both moved away immediatlely ..They Don't have courage to face each other..

" All are waiting..Come soon" Arjun said to Shivani and without waiting for her answer he went down..

Shivani knows it's not his fault completely and both are still fault..Arjun is also thinking the same but he don't know how to face her..So he went down..Shivani saw their pic in her phone..She clickedthe trash option but when" This picture will be deleted?" appeared in the screen she automatically gave cancel and went down..In the van all got seated when Shivani went down..She locked the door and went near the van..

" Wow Shivu..You look beautiful in this saree" Hassini exclaimed ..

You look beautiful in this saree" Hassini exclaimed

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Imagine Shivani wearing the above saree..

Shivani smiled at her and got in ... Seeing Arjun her smile disappeared and blood rushed to her cheeks thinking about the kiss..

HER FIRST KISS🙈.. Though it's unexpected she convinced herself saying that he is her future husband and he have the rights,he ONLY have...
There are only two seats for her to sit..One is near Nikhil and the another is near Arjun..She is confused about it.. Seeing her Haasini sat near Nikhil so without any option she sat near Arjun..

The vehicle started and all are talking among themselves.. Arjun tried to talk with her but she turned her face..He thought she is angry on him so he didn't talk ..But after sometime he saw her smiling through her phone screen and he whispered in her ears..

" Are you angry on me selfie?" He whispered in her ears..His hot breath is disturbing her a lot.." No" she tried to say but only air came out of her mouth..

He chuckled seeing her and held her hands tightly..As all others are busy they didn't see them only Hassini saw and for a minute her heart imagined Chezhiyan and her like that..Within a minute she cursed herself for thinking like it and tried to concentrate on her phone.. Nikhil is noticing the expressions in her face..He too saw ShivJun but thought not to disturb them and his mind is filled with the question.." Why is Hassini unhappy??Why do I feel her smile is fake?"

Arjun whispered in her ears " I didn't mean to kiss you..It happened unexpected but our first kiss na so it's special..And what flavor lip balm you use??"

She is blushing hard hearing it and is confused by his question.." strawberry" she said and he whispered" tastes good" .. Hearing it her face is like a red tomato.. After that both didn't say anything but they didn't leave each other's hands..

They had their brunch at the hotel near the temple..When she went to wash her hands ,Arjun to went behind her..There they saw a couple ..

The boy is giving diary milk chocolate to the girl and convincing her..They look cute together.. Seeing ShivJun they felt embarrassed and went..

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