Chezhiyan💔 Trisha

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Trisha s POV :

I came out to fetch water but when I went downstairs I saw the lights are already switched on when I went near the kitchen I'm shocked to see my mom crying lying on the floor and my dad standing near her with belt in his hands..

He hurt my mom?? She is having red marks on her hands..I can't believe this..My dad is my hero he can't do it..
But what I'm seeing 😭..

" Daddddddddd" I shouted and he look at me shocked.. Seeing me there my mom covered her face with her hands and cried..

" What happened Maa? " I asked and went near her.

But my dad held my hands tightly..His grip is tight and it's hurting me .

" It's hurting dad" I said but he didn't loosen his grip.

" Please leave her" My mom pleaded him but he didn't give heed.

Is it really the dad who even don't allow me to cook alone in kitchen?? Is he the same dad who says I'm his everything..I thought I'm very special to him but his actions today make me feel that I'm not even a piece of shit for him..

" Why are you doing like this dad?" I asked with pain .

" Because of your mom now I'm in danger ..She leaked the important documents about my secret business to Chezhiyan..He will arrest me soon. " He yelled..

What?? Why should Chezhiyan arrest him?? Means is he doing something illegal.

It hurts..Now I understand Haasini s situation..She would have also felt the same na..

" I kidnapped that Haasini..But she escaped 😏" he said and I'm shocked to know it .

He kidnapped his own daughter..

" Your very selfish..You cheated me and married me .I kept quiet all these days because I don't want my daughter to know all these..But now...." Maa said and cried..

" Stop your drama.. Listen carefully Trisha I need that evidence Chezhiyan have against me..If you didn't give me that..I won't think twice before killing your mom" he said angrily and went upstairs..

All the properties are in his name including this house ..If I didn't do what he says I'm damn sure he will kill Maa..

But still I can't digest the fact that the dad whom I thought as hero is the heartless villain in my life..

The next morning I went to see Chezhiyan..He forced a smile seeing me and I'm damn sure he didn't expect me..

" How are you?" I asked and he replied " fine "

He didn't even ask" how are you?" It hurts..

But now my mom is more important than him.

" Chezhiyan I'm directly coming to the matter..I know you have some evidence against my dad.. Please don't arrest him Chezhiya..Do it for me for our love" I said and he glared me.

" Are you mad.? He kidnapped Haasu..I won't forgive him for that..He is a heartless ...."

Before he could complete I shouted " Stopp it"

Even if he rejected it I would have tried to understand his situation..But he's doing it for that Haasini..I know she suffered a lot..But it hurts like hell when he gives her more importance than me . Did I loved a person who don't care for me..No one cares for me in this world except my mom... This thought itself made me cry..

With teary eyes I asked him again " Please Chezhiyan. Don't arrest my dad..Orelse.....Forget me " I said.

Chezhiyan s POV

How dare she ask me to forget her?? I thought she understood me but she didn't..I know I give more importance to Haasu than her. But it doesn't mean I don't love her.

Her dad did a lot to Haasu still I kept quiet because it's her dad..But today he crossed his limits..

" Ok then..Let's break up " I said controlling my emotions and she look at me shocked.

" I know..I expected this but not this soon.. That Haasini is more important na?"

God! Why she always brings Haasu in-between our problems..I just hate that behavior of hers..

" Shut up Trisha ..It's you who said to forget you...Why are you always involving her in our problems.. I thought you understand me but you don't..I really feel bad that I loved you. I shouldn't have said Ok" I said angrily and hit the wall frustrated..
" I hate you" She shouted at me and broke the vase near the television.

She left the place angrily and I'm completely blank now .

Author's POV

Shivani is taking bath and her phone rang. As Shivani isn't here he attended the call..It's teju.. Before he could say Shivani isn't here.. Teju started speaking..

" Shivu ...I'm sure Nikhil is getting mad now...If he called you and asked about my wedding you say yes ok? Don't try to help him.." she said and Arjun said " She is bathing Maa..I will let her know you called." He said to teju.

Teju felt embarrassed.." okay Anna .. Sorry I thought it's Shivu " she said nervously.

" It's okay Maa..No problem" he said and disconnected the call..

After Shivani came he said Teju called her and went to take bath.Shivani called Teju and after hearing everything Shivani burst into laughter.

" Stupid..First confirm who attended the call.. Arjun didn't say anything about it.. Don't worry😂" she said and again laughed.

" I'm feeling embarrassed yaar.. please stop it " Teju whined like a child.

" Haha okay..Let's see in the office..Bye" Shivani said.

" Yeah yeah ..Anna would be waiting for you na ..Go go " Teju said and Shivani laughed..

" Yeah..My husband is waiting for me..Bye " she said dramatically and disconnected the call..

After packing lunch and arranging the breakfast on the table she went to check on Arjun..

Arjun is buttoning his shirt seeing the mirror.

" Arjun breakfast is ready" She said and he said he will come now.

They are having breakfast and Shivani asked " What teju said?"

" Why? didn't she say you?" Arjun questioned back.

" Actually they both loved each other..But when she asked him to speak with her parents he said he needs time and they both didn't talk for an year..He tried to convince her during our marriage. But she didn't get convinced..Now she lied him that she said Ok to marriage.." Shivani said and Arjun's face changed hearing it.

" I don't think it will end good.." he said and she look at him confused.

" I can't get you" she said and he replied " Now she lied ..When he comes to know the truth he may also take it as fun but what if  he takes some other decision?..Life won't give second chance always Shivani ." He said and went to wash his hands..

" One more idly.." Shivani said and Arjun said it's enough.. After that they didn't talk about it..He dropped her and went to hospital.


Haiiiiiii cutiess.. Hope all are doing good.. Sorry for being late .From now I  will update regularly 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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