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Arjun's POV

We reached Chennai and I dropped Haasini in her house and went to my flat..Nila akka teased me and I smiled at her being embarrassed and went in...

I felt very tired so I took some rest and after sometime I got a call from Shivani..I smiled automatically as her name is displayed on the caller ID..

" Helooooo" She shouted..

This girl na..I'm not deaf why is she shouting like this?

" I'm not deaf ..Talk slowly" I said and I heard her laughing..

"Are you free now or your in hospital?" She asked me and I replied that I'm free..

" Umm...Shall we go out??" She asked and I said Ok..

" Ok then pick me  and drop me at my flat.." She stressed my flat and I smiled thinking about that night...

In few minutes I got ready and went to her flat..I saw her standing in the nearby bus stop so I stopped the bike there and she smiled seeing me and I smiled back..

" Where are we going?" I asked her ..

" First to a restaurant and after that Xyz silks " she said and I nodded..

I started the bike and she started talking..I am just nodding my head and she kept on talking 😂..

Won't she feel tired?? 🤷🏻‍♂️I stopped the bike near a restaurant but she didn't close her mouth😂😂

" Will you please stop your stupid talks and come in" I said .She turned her face and followed me .

She ordered mushroom fry and I ordered a coffee..She look at me like an alien..

" Why are you looking at me like this? I asked her..

" Always coffee??" She asked me..

" Ok today you order for me" I said and she smiled brightly..She ordered Chilli panner and I didn't say anything ..

The order came and we ate without speaking anything ..The way she eats makes me laugh...She slowly blowed air and eats🤷.. For that she can wait for few more minutes na..

She got an call and she excused herself and went.. After Sometime she came and said that Haasini is waiting for them and they should go soon..

" But you didn't say about Haasini" I said her and she said she forgot..I said we can go after eating and I have no problem if she waits..

She is glaring me🤷🏻‍♂️..That Haasini made me and Chezhiyan wait for hours many times now it's my time to take revenge..I'm missing Chezhiyan a lot..If I didn't invite him won't he come??

I know it's stupid but I expect my closed ones to claim their rights even though I pretend to hate them..

After eating we went to the clothes shop and Haasini is waiting outside..She glared seeing me and she is sweating as it's hot here...

We went in and she hit my shoulders.." I know because if you only it's late na? " She yelled and I m enjoying her anger 😂😂😂...

His POV end

Author's POV

Shivani slapped her forehead seeing the duo and three of them are shocked to see Chezhiyan and Trisha with her mom.. Arjun look at Haasini and she faked a smile..

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