Chezhiyan to realize?

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" prem?" Haasini whispered shocked..

Prem smiled at her and she smiled back..

" I didn't expect you here.." both said at the same time and laughed.

" Actually...I'm in love with my colleague Avanthika.." he said and Haasini didn't expect it..

" That's really great..Then let's stop this marriage.." She said excited.

" Your in love with?" He asked raising his brows..

" Chezhiyan.." she said and he smiled..

" You didn't propose her?" She asked and he nodded.

" We both are in love when I thought of saying it to my family they asked me to see you." He said and she laughed..

" Thank God! I thought it's difficult to cancel the wedding but my luck it's you. " She said happily and he chuckled..

" Order please." The waiter came and she ordered black forest cake and he ordered a juice.

After having it and talking for sometime both bid bye to each other not before wishing All the best 🤩😂.

Chezhiyan called her and she picked up the call with a smile on her face..

" What happened?" He asked her and she Chuckled.

" I'm gonna cancel it...You know what the guy who I came to meet Is Prem. ". She said .

" Prem?" Chezhiyan asked confused as he don't remember who is prem.

" Shivani s friend da.. " Haasini said and Chezhiyan said " ohh ok.."

" If your free drop me in home da." She said and he asked her to text the address and he will be there in few minutes.she texted him the address and waited for him.

He came in few minutes and she sat behind him in his bike..

" Why are you cancelling the marriage?" He asked in a serious tone.

" Because prem is in love with his colleague and I'm in.." seeing Chezhiyan glaring her she stopped saying it.

" Why are you spoiling your life thinking about me Haasu? I don't deserve you. " He said in a low tone.

" Did I asked you to accept my love and marry me?? " She asked and he nodded no as she loved him unconditionally without expecting anything from him. After his break up she didn't talk about their love or marriage but her actions are enough to prove that she's still in love with him.

" Then please don't force me to get married Chezhiya." She said and he didn't reply.

He dropped her home and Haasini mom smiled seeing him.

" Come inside da." She said to him and he replied " no athai. I will come some other day." He said and she nodded.

Haasini s mom also started behaving normal with him  .

Chezhiyan knows that his life is incomplete without his friends. Haasini is very special to him. But love?? How can he accept her love when he isn't sure about his own feelings.

When he's with her he didn't think about Trisha. ( She didn't let him think ) . If she becomes his life partner he knows his life will be very beautiful.

But he don't wanna use her for his selfishness. When he isn't Loving her he felt like he is using her.

It doesn't mean he hates her. He loves her a lot but as a friend not as a lover. But he isn't sure about his feelings. Sometimes he feels there's something between them that's more than friendship from his side.

But first he wants to be sure about his feelings that's why he's avoiding the topic and Haasini didn't ask him about it.

Nikhil said about his love to his family and they agreed to it. Aadhi called him and congratulated him. Nikhil s parents said they will talk with Teju s parents soon.

Dharani and Shivani s mom is very happy as both of her daughters are living happily. What more a mother want??

" Aadhiii.." Dharani called him tensed.

" What happened dharu? Why are you tensed? Everything is ok right?" He asked worried..

He didn't expect this answer from her.

" What?" He asked shocked.


Precap : Mood swings🙈😂

Haiii cutiess.. Extremely sorry for being late..I will try to update weekly twice..I will try to complete this story within this month. Just two or three parts more. Hope you like it ❤️ please do vote and comment 🤩🤩

Thank you so much for all who voted and commented 🤗🤗🤗

If possible I will update criminal crush today or else I will update tomorrow..And I published a new story named " In love with a psycho." Please do check it and shower your love on it 😍.

Keep on supporting 🤩🤩🤩

Stay safe and take care ❤️❤️❤️

With love,

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