Possessive queen 😂😘

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Shivani s POV :

Trisha s face is worth watching 🤣..I went in to change. But I don't know to wear the saree 🤷🙈 How I forgot that? . I look at Haasini for help. I think she understood it . She came with me and I locked the trial room . She asked me to change the dress and I look at her innocently..

" What?? Hurry up " she said to me ..

" You go out..I'm feeling shy 🙈I will call you after changing" I said and she laughed..

" Why are you laughing??" I asked her irritated.

" Then who will help you wearing the saree?" She asked and reality striked 🤣

" But...." Before I could complete she whined " what's your problem stupid?" I didn't say anything... Without no option I changed but I asked her to turn that side , she slapped her forehead and turned another side..

After I changed she helped me to wear the saree..I'm feeling uncomfortable but I have no option..First I should learn to wear the saree 😅🙈...

I keep on moving as I'm uncomfortable and she glared me..I pout and she burst out laughing..

" Poor Arjun" She said and I hit her shoulders..

" Your ring is tickling me that's why " I said and turned my face.. Finally she completed it..I came out ..

I expected Arjun to be lost seeing me like they show in the movies but to my shock a girl is flirting with him and he is talking with her 😒..

I stood behind me but he didn't even look at me.. Chezhiyan Anna said he needs to go and went not before smiling at Haasini..I winked at her and she turned her face smiling..

But this idiot is not even turning..He is immersed in her talks..

" Arjun" I called him and he turned ..

" You look beautiful selfie" He said with his cute smile and his dimple made my anger flew away ..

I just smiled and the girl with him asked " Who is she Ajju? "

Ajju?? Is she very close to him?? Why I didn't like to see them together..

" She is my fiancee " He said and I felt very happy..

For a minute her face expressed sadness but she smiled immediately..I don't care about it 😅..I held his hands and he look at me suprised 🙈..I know he is confused by my actions but I wanna show her that He is only mine ..

Before I could speak she said, " Ajju will you come with me now?" He nodded and he look at me with a smile..

" I have an important work..You go with Haasini .. I will call you tonight" He said and without waiting for my reply..

I felt hurt by his behavior..I know he didn't do it intentionally but I don't know why I'm feeling sad..

" Shall we go?" Haasini asked me and I nodded ..

I said we can go to my flat but she said she needs to do shopping..I glared her and we changed into our old clothes and purchased the sarees ..We booked a cab .. Haasini got down near her house and I went to my flat .

I took rest for sometime and I opened Instagram..I got irritated seeing Arjun's story..In one side it's his sister jaanvi and another side that girl ..He kept with my rabbit 😏😏..How dare he??

I immediately called him but he didn't pick up the call..I got angry and my stomach started growling..

I'm hungry..I went and had chips..In Sometime Avanthika and Teju came from office and they asked when I came and they asked about Arjun ...I answered them and my phone ringed..I thought it's Arjun but it's Aadhitya Mama..

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