Haasini's happiness 😍

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Chezhiyan s pov:

I'm confused right now .But I am sure about a thing..He should be punished for hurting my Haasini .. I saluted at him and came out with the order..

I didn't talk with Haasu after that..I called her and she didn't attend it..I think she must be busy.. I should collect some strong evidence against him..I know commissioner sir gave this encounter order using his power and if I don't have strong evidence it may risk him.

After sometime Haasini called me.. Happiness is clearly evident in her voice. When I asked about it she called me to the hospital and I said I will be there in few minutes.

I reached the hospital and went to her cabin. But she isn't there. I think she is with Arjun. I went to his cabin and she's there with him..

When I'm about to talk Arjun's phone rang and it's Shivani. He smiled at us and went outside. Only we both are here.

" Today I'm very happieeeeeeeeeeeee Chezhiya ...." Haasini jumped in happiness..I'm happy to see her like this..

" That's great..May I know what made you happy?" I asked her.

" Today the gynaecologist didn't come.. Suddenly a delivery patient is admitted and today there are no lady doctors except me...So the dean asked me to do the delivery...I was very tensed but Arjun motivated me and I went inside the operation theatre...

For the first time I'm doing this and the ........Baby.......It's choo cute..I touched his face...He ......." I understand her pov..

I gave her some water and she drank it.

"Im very happy 😘🙈🙈...
That patient's mother blessed me . Baby's fingers touched my hands..."

" I'm so proud of you haasu..." I said and pulled her cheeks..

" I got promotion .." I said and again she jumped in happiness .

" From morning everything is happening in my favour.." she said and I laughed..

"Also I broke up with her.." I said and she look at me shocked.

" Are you pranking on me?" She asked and I hit her head playfully.

" I'm damn serious." I said and she held my hands and started jumping.

" God!!! Lots of suprises from morning" she said and I'm shocked now.

I know she won't be sad..But I didn't expect her to be happy... Seeing me she whispered " Sorry."

" Actually I'm not that good and generous..I'm a normal human and I love and hate...I'm happy that you broke up haha ... Finally she's out of your life..Now my route is........" She stopped and look at me with puppy eyes.

Seeing her reaction I laughed and Arjun came inside at the same time..
Haasini said about my break up and I think he's also happy..

" Romancing with wife? " Haasini asked him and he glared her..

" Romance??? She asked me to buy...." Before he could complete Haasini interrupted..

" Jasmine ah" ..

" Shut up stupid..She asked me to buy surf Excel bar and powder also Vim soap 😬"

Hearing it we burst into laughter...He glared me and asked " Single nu thimira?? Oru naal neeyum anubavipa da " I laughed hearing it.. After talking for sometime I went to continue my work...

His POV end..

Ramya s pov:

I went to the nearby grocery shop to buy some veggies..While coming out I mistakenly bumped into someone..

She's the same doctor! ..she asked " Ramya right?"

I nodded... " Sorry..I didn't see you." She said and I said it's okay and tried to go from there ..But she stopped me and asked " How are you?"

I replied and asked about her. She said she's fine and I nodded.

" I heard that you have a daughter..How's she?" She asked me and I replied with a smile " Fine doctor.."

She nodded and I asked her " You deal with different kinds of patients .. How do you remember my name that too for these years? " She laughed at my question.

" Your my first patient after I came to Chennai Ramya ..Also your mil is very caring on you.. Everyone in the family cared for you a lot..It's adorable so I can't forget you..." She said and without thinking I asked her " Yeah..I'm very special na? That's why you aborted my baby without my permission."

" That's for saving you.." she said and I'm hell confused..

" For saving me ?? I know if this child is born it will create problem in family..That astrologer said this that's why you aborted na?" I asked angrily..

Still I remember that day..I begged my husband and his parents to leave my child..But they aborted it ... Arjun only knows that the child is aborted he don't know that his mother is behind it..I'm sure if he came to know the truth he would have supported me..But at that time I had no one to support me..I cried but......

" What are you saying Ramya??? Means your family didn't tell the truth till now?" The doctor asked shocked.

Now I'm hell confused.. About which truth is she speaking about??

" I can't get you." I said to her..

" Actually your child is formed in fallopian tube instead of uterus..That's dangerous for your life... That's why I aborted your child..Also you should maintain distance with your husband for at least 3 months after the abortion that's why they lied you..They said you were very excited and you will be broken if you came to know that you have the problem that's why they lied.."

" Oh..Thank you doctor.." without waiting for the answer I left the place thinking about how I hurted my mil and Mugen..

I should talk with her and apologize for my mistakes...I should have tried to know the truth..I'm sorry Mugen...


Precap : Accident?

Haiiiiiii cutiess... Hope you like it .. Please do vote and comment ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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