Ms.Selfie 🙈 Mr.Dimple

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Shivani s POV

" Why are you locking the door?" He asked in a stern tone..

No shivani..You should be brave 😎..I said to myself..

" Are you stalking me?" I asked him and he is shocked by my question..

" What ?" He asked...

I showed him the pics I took yesterday in that he is in two pics looking at me...

He laughed 😤..What is this man thinking of himself????

" Why are you laughing???" I asked and he narrated about the yesterday incident and I felt embarrassed..I shouldn't have asked him..

" Ok say me what you do when you come to know that a boy is stalking you??" He asked in a normal tone.

" Umm..I won't do anything until he approach me..if I feel anything negative about him I will say about him to mama ..Why are you asking?" I ask him and he smiled...

His smile reflect in his eyes and that dimple in his right cheeks make him look more handsome..I love his smile..

Her POV end..

Arjun s POV

This girl is crazy 😂😂..Why would I stalk her?? When I said about yesterday s incident and I m sure she is feeling embarrassed..Her reaction is worth watching..When I asked her what she do when a guy stalks her her answer made me smile...Means I'm the first guy she questioned..

She also smile at me..But there is something in her eyes..

Is she thinking something?? I waved my hands before her face..She smiled sheepishly..

" Btw ,why you locked the door?? At least open it now na" I said and she nod her head horizontally..

" I won't open" she said and I am irritated now..

" I have some conditions" she said and I look at her waiting to hear her conditions..If she put the condition like the girls I met before then I will say to her directly that this marriage won't happen..

" Say" I said

" First one it's my wish whether to continue my job or not..You shouldn't interfere.You shouldn't force me to do anything that I don't want to do...Next I will visit my sister often you shouldn't stop me..I won't stop you from visiting your family and I like Ramya akka a lot..So I will also come with you..Now that's all..If you also like me and if our marriage is fixed I will say you the remaining" She said..

I chuckled hearing it..She is different..I said I too have some conditions..And she asked me what are they ..

" I agree with your conditions..And my family is everything to me..As a doctor I have responsibilities so I may not be able to spend enough time with you but I promise to keep you happy.." I said and she smiled..

She looks cute while she smiles..

"Then?" She asked

"What should I say Ms.Selfie?" I asked her ...

" Say what you think Mr.Dimple" She said..

"Mr.Dimple?" I asked..

She is the first one to call me like this..

" Why you call me Ms.Selfie?" She asked..

" My first impression on you..That's why I'm calling you Ms.Selfie..And btw I loved your explanation about humanity 😂" I said and she turned her face..

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