Broken 💔

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Arjun's POV

I reached home after spending sometime in Shivani s flat..Her friends are good🤩..They care for her a lot and I got two sisters 😍..

I freshen up and thought of making dinner..I got a call from Chezhiyan and I attended it..He is very tensed..When I asked the reason he asked me to come
to Haasini s house Immediately..

I said ok ..I locked my flat and dialled Haasini s number but she didn't pick up the call..

What's happening here??? I went to Haasini s house asap..I opened the gate and I felt something wrong is gonna happen..

I pressed the calling bell and Haasini s mom opened the door..I felt odd..She always welcomes me with a smiled face..But now her eyes are red and her face clearly express that she is sad..

" What happened athai( aunty)?" I asked her..

" Why you hide from me ajju? " Her voice is broken...

" I can't get you" I said slowly..

She gave me a weak smile and asked me to come in..

There I saw Haasini sitting near the wall with teary eyes, Chezhiyan is standing near the bedroom door with an emotionless face and Haasu s SO CALLED FATHER standing with his WIFE ..

Seeing me Haasini tried to smile but failed miserably.. Chezhiyan is staring the wall and Her so called father is standing giving I don't care look..

I'm damn confused and irritated now..I asked Chezhiyan and Haasini but none of them spoke..

" Anyone say me what happened here" I shouted ..

" I will say that" I heard a female voice..I saw a girl coming inside and she directly went and stood near Chezhiyan..

" I'm his lover.." She said and I don't know what to say..

Arjun's POV end..

Haasini s POV

I'm waiting for the bus for the past half an hour..I took out my phone from the bag and started to hear songs..At that time I felt someone's gaze on me..When I turned I saw three men staring at me .I immediately turned and I'm feeling very uncomfortable..I saw Chezhiyan coming that way and he stopped his bike seeing me ..He asked me to get on his bike and I did..

Seeing him they ran away and he started the bike..I kept my hands on his shoulders and he glared me through the mirror..But I don't care😌

In few minutes he dropped me at my house..

" Come in Chinnu" I said and he look at me like he will burn me..

" How many times should I say you?? Don't call me that ..And I don't have time I should leave now " He said ..

Iam hurt..But I didn't show it..I tried to smile and I succeeded in it..

" Bye chin..Chezhiya Take care" I said and he nodded...

At that time my mother came from college and she asked Chezhiyan to come in.. Without option he came inside..

Mom gave him coffee and went to fresh up..I came in few minutes and mom started her slogan that she says every evening..She started speaking about my marriage and I thought of stopping her..But she is asking Chezhiyan to advise me..But he didn't say anything..

" Why are you silent Chezhiya?" Maa asked and I said" I'm in love" ..

Maa is shocked as expected..She slapped me.. Chezhiyan stopped her and make her sit on the sofa and gave her some water..He asked me to go in..But I didn't...He glared me but I didn't give heed..

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