First phone convo😂😍

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Arjun's POV:

My parents and sister went to Coimbatore and I am getting ready for going hospital..I will directly go to my house evening..Anni served breakfast and we had silently..

" You talked with her??" Anni asked and I nod my head horizontally..

"Total waste " Mugen said and I glared him..

"Where is Aadhu?" I asked him and he said" She is sleeping.. Weekend na"

I nodded and after that we ate silently...After having bf I went to see my princess who is still sleeping..I kissed her cheeks and she smiled in sleep 😘..I bid bye to Mugen nd Anni ..I went to hospital.. After reaching hospital her face flashed in my mind..
I typed her contact name Ms.selfie and her number appear in the mobile screen...I don't know why but something is stopping me from calling her..But at the same time I wanna talk with her..

Would she feel the same?? This question is disturbing me..At that time nurse entered and informed me about an important operation ..I said her to arrange the operation theater and I will be there in few minutes..She nod with a smile and left my cabin..

I thought of calling her after the operation and I started getting ready to do the operation...

Thank God! It's success 🥳..After three hours of struggle we finally saved him..I came to my cabin and as it's lunch time I had my lunch and took the phone...

I am suprised to see Ms.Selfie s missed call ..How she got my number??

I called her back and she attended in the first ring itself..

" Hello.." I said

" Hello..Whose this?" She asked and I don't know what to say..

" It's you who called me..I saw your missed call so I called back" I said

" Oh sorry.. Instead of calling my friend I called you by mistake" She said and I felt sad..I expected her to call me ..But she even don't know whom she called..But I noticed the excitement in her voice when she said hello..

At that time I heard her sisters voice..

" What are you doing Shivu?"

" Nothing Akka.. Just scrolling insta" she said..

I'm confused..Why is she lying to her sis??

" Oh okay..You got Arjun s number na you spoke with him??" She asked and I am shocked hearing it..She said she will speak afterwards..

After few seconds she said" hello" I laughed and she said" please don't laugh" ..I controlled my laugh and asked her why she did like this.. She didn't say anything...I changed the topic by asking" had lunch?" We talked for sometime..She is good at heart but careless girl..She should act mature ..She isn't a child anymore
   suddenly nurse came running to my cabin.. Seeing her tensed face I understood something serious so I disconnected the call...

Arjun s POV end

Shivani s POV

I dialled his number..But I don't know what to speak..So I cut the call and went to help Dharani..( disturbing her while she is doing work😂😂)

After having lunch I came to my room and saw if he texted me or called me..But he didn't..So I started playing township in my phone..Arjun called me and immediately I picked the call..I m very nervous as well as excited...I don't know what to say...

" Hello" he said and I immediately said hello excited..But at the same time I don't want him to know that I m waiting for his call so I pretended like I don't know him...

It's you who called me..I saw your missed call so I called back" he said and I became sad..He don't know me..But at the same time I thought is he talking like this because I said I don't know him..

" Oh sorry.. Instead of calling my friend I called you by mistake" I said ..

At that time Dharani entered my room and immediatly I placed the phone near me.." what are you doing shivu?" She asked

" Nothing akka.. Just scrolling insta " I replied..

Oh okay..You got Arjun s number na you spoke with him??" She asked and I slapped my forehead mentally..

" I will speak afterwards" I said and she left the room..I don't know how to Manage him..When I said hello he started laughing..

I'm feeling embarrassed..God! Because of this Dharani..I am going to kill her..He is still laughing..What will he think about me???

" Please don't laugh" I requested him and he asked" okay..Say me why you did like this?"

I don't know what to say...I remained quite..

" Had lunch?" He asked and I said yes in a sad tone ..

" Why are you sad?" He asked and I said" bittergourd fry"

He laughed hearing it and I pout..

" That's good for health na" he said

" Don't talk like a doctor" I said..

" Ok.. Like whom you expect me to talk??" He asked and without thinking I answered" Talk like Mr.Dimple"

He laughed and said"Ok..Ms.Selfie "

" Umm..What are you doing?" I asked him..

" I'm in hospital.." he answered

" Oh okay" I said

" What are you doing??" He asked

" I was playing township now talking with you" I answered...

" Are you a kid to play township?" He asked " Is there any rules that only kids should play?? " I questioned him back ...

" I don't want to argue with you..But behave like a matured girl " he said and I got irritated..

Before I could reply he said he will call later and disconnected the call..

Shivani s POV end

Authors POV :

Arjun went to operation theater but the nurse said he is in normal ward..He got angry and shouted" Without asking to me how can you shift him " Nurse stammered " Sir.....Haa.....Nii...Haasini madam only"

He glared her and rushed to normal ward ..There the patient is struggling to breathe ...He immediately started the treatment and in few minutes the patient become Normal..At that time Haasini came tensed..

Haasini" sorry..Ajju I didn't...."

Arjun " Shut up... Are you mad??? Even after knowing his condition you shifted him to the normal ward and changed the medicine without even asking me..Due to your carelessness he is struggling here..If you were careful this situation wouldn't have came" he stormed out of the room..

In his dictionary there is no SECOND CHANCE..He don't like the people who are careless..Shivani is the combination of laziness and carelessness...

Will it affect their married life???


Precap : A cup of coffee? 🙈

Hai cutiess... Hope you like it.. Please do vote and comment...Thank you so much for those who supported this story 😍😍😍

With love,               

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