Sleeping beauty

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Arjun POV

After that I didn't talk with Haasini..Even though she tried talking with me I avoided her..At evening before leaving to my flat I saw haasini crying..I really felt bad I cursed myself and sat near her..

"  Sorry for shouting at you haasu..But I don't regret my words" I said to her..

She hugged me and started crying vigorously...I know about her..She is not the one who cries when I shout at her ..There is something that's cooking in her mind..I asked her about it and she said " Chezhiyan .... Injured....Shoulder.... Bullet....." Now I understood clearly...

She is madly in love with him..But I don't know why he is not reciprocating ....

" Ok .. don't worry" I said to her but I m also worried about him...

I called him and before I could speak you he said about the injury and now he is in a hospital..And he will meet me after sometime...Now he is busy with some formalities and he will call me later..I said ok and disconnected the call...

She is still crying..I don't know how to pacify her..To change her mood I said about my marriage...

"You didn't inform me" she said in a sad tone..

" Sorry...It happened suddenly...So...." I said to her..

" Ok ..Show me her pic" ...." I don't have" she look me like I'm some alien..

" If you are okay..We can meet her.." I said to divert her..

She said Ok and I called Shivani and asked her to come to Lord muruga's temple...I messaged Haasini about that ...

Then we went to our respective houses..And I took a shower and went to Temple...In few minutes she too came ...She looked gorgeous in that half saree...

At that time Haasini called me and informed that she can't come to temple as she is on her periods..Now I understood why she was careless today morning...I asked her to come to the coffee shop..

I mentally slapped myself and informed Shivani about it ...We prayed and Chezhiyan texted me ..I asked him to come to that coffee shop and  went there ..

We talked for sometime and Haasini is okay now.We ordered cappucinno...I held Shivani s hands and apologized her..Haasini teased us and that idiot even spilled the cappuccino..When I was about to go I noticed Shivani  holding my hands still.." if you leave my hands I will go" I said and she left my hands immediately..I chuckled and went to clean my shirt..When I came back and sat I heard Chezhiyan s voice..

" Who is Arjun here?" I understood he is planning something so I said" I'm arjun "

He said I'm under arrest ..I started laughing and Shivani s expression is worth watching 😂..

" How are you man?"I  asked him..

" Haha..I'm fine..I think sister is confused" he said seeing Shivani ...

" What's happening here??" Shivani asked..

" He is Chezhiyan, Assistant commissioner of police..My friend" I said and Shivani sighed in relief...

" I thought he came to arrest you" Shivani said and I laughed..

" How are you ma?" He asked Shivani and she said" fine Anna.. How are you?"

Before he could reply Haasini interrupted...

" You are calling him Anna..But you didn't even ask my name😏" She said and turned her face..

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