He knows everything 🙈😂

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Adhitya s POV

After settling the money we came home and I tried my best to avoid Dharani..I went to our farm so that I can avoid her. But Shivani said she will also come Dharani and my parents are in the hall..So Without any other option I agreed and we both went..

" I know I did a big mistake mama..But please don't avoid her" Shivani said and I didn't react.

" Why are you silent?? I know you are guilty but...." I stopped her before she complete ..

" I shouldn't have trusted you..If I asked her directly before our marriage then I wouldn't be in this situation today..If Dharani comes to know about it in future how will she react?? She will think that I cheated her for these years " I said and Shivani lowered her head..

I know she hide from Dharani for our wellness only..But Being true is base for any relationship..But what about ours??

I saw Mugen and Arjun coming towards us ..So I smiled at Shivani and she look at me confused..As they came near she too saw them and smiled..

" Adhi..I wanna talk with you" Mugen said and I nodded ..We both went away from them. When I asked the reason Mugen said that he thought of giving Shivani and Arjun some privacy..I smiled and we talked about some general things..

Aadhitya s pov end

Shivani s pov

I think they thought of giving us some privacy ..I want to clear the problems in Mama's life..But how?? I'm thinking about it and I felt someone's hands before my face..

Arjun is waving his hands in front of my face..I smiled sheepishly and he asked me to come..We walked near the field and he asked me " What you expect from me? I mean you would have some expectations from your husband na what's that?" ..

" Umm..To be frank I want a romantic and caring man " I said and look at him ..He smiled in a teasing way..I turned my face to avoid his gaze.

" I expected a big list" he said and I chuckled..

" It only happens in flims that a prince charming will come and marry us..But in real life there is no prince charming and no one is perfect.. Everyone does mistakes" I said and he smiled at me..

" Now you say..What you expect from me?" I asked him curiously..

" I will say after our marriage" He said..

" Why?? You can say now itself na??" I asked him..He just smiled and asked me" Where is Haasini??" I understood that he is trying to change the topic so I said" she is at home"

He nodded and I asked him the question that's in my mind from the day we came here..

" Why you didn't talk with Chezhiyan Anna?? He really likes Haasini a lot" I asked him and he smiled sarcastically .

" For the past five years I'm seeing how she is behind him always like a puppy but he always rejected her love.. At least once if he said about his love on Trisha maybe Haasini wouldn't have Disturbed him ..But he played with her feelings..She always care for him I know he too cares for her but only as a friend but if he said the reason he rejected her love she won't be hurt like she is now..He don't deserve Haasini ..She deserves a man better than him.. Don't talk about this hereafter" He said and left the place..

Author's POV

Shivani cursed Arjun as he left her alone 😂😂😂..Even Aadhitya and Mugen aren't there ..As the road is nearby she walked and she saw Chezhiyan near the road and ran towards him.. Chezhiyan who is talking to someone over the phone saw Shivani and waited for her to come..

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