Cup of coffee 🙈❤️

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Authors POV

Arjun called Shivani ..

" Shivani ...Can we meet today??" He asked..

" Now??? "She asked..

" Yes ..Are you free?" He asked and she said yes..

" Ok..Come to Lord muruga's temple near your street" he said and she said ok..

He disconnected the call and she got ready and came down..Her legs automatically stopped seeing Dharani ....

At the same time Arjun called adhitya and informed him about meeting Shivani in Temple...

Shivani s POV

Dharani asked me whether I'm coming to temple..But I said no saying I need to sleep and went to my room.. Because of me she too didn't go...

I took bath and combed my hair..I got a call from Me.Dimple..I attended it ..
Shivani ...Can we meet today??" He asked..

" Now??? "I asked

" Yes ..Are you free?" He asked and I  said yes..

" Ok..Come to Lord muruga's temple near your street" he said and I said ok..

He disconnected the call.. His tone  is different compared to morning..

I got ready in a half saree..

( Imagine Shivani wearing it)

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( Imagine Shivani wearing it)

I came down and my leg put a sudden break seeing Dharani..God!! How will I manage her .If she came to know I'm seeing him she will tease me 😩..

I thought of escaping without making any sound but she saw me 😏..

" Where are you going?" She asked and I glared her..

" If I asked the same you will scold me but now ur itself asking" I complained her..

She pout.. At that time mama came in and asked me" your going to Temple to meet Arjun na.. Should I pick you or will you come by yourself???"

Now I look at Dharani who laughed..

" Someone said they need to sleep but now ..." She said..

I can't let her tease me like this...Think Shivani...Yeah I got it...

" Says someone who invited their fiance to home without her mother's permission and seeked her sisters help" I said and now Mama rubbed his nape and Dharani s cheeks are red ..

" Shivu ma..It's already late..Go Arjun will be waiting for you" Mama said..

" Ohh..Are you guys planning to go somewhere?" I asked..

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