KitKat 😋😘

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Shivani s POV:

I directly went to my flat crying..Thank god Avanthika and Teju aren't in flat..I went to my room and washed my face..Maybe in his POV he is right.. Anyone will misunderstand me .But how can he slap me?? If before marriage itself he is like this then what after marriage..

No I don't want this marriage..I immediately took my phone and bag ..I went to the nearby temple..The temple I came with him on that day...

Am I taking a decision without thinking??? I'm confused..I can understand his situation but still he didn't even ask me sorry..Mr. egoist..

I need peace ..The only place that gives me peace is Dharani s house..So I went there..

As I applied powder  the mark isn't visible..Also he didn't slap that hard 😝..I pressed the calling bell and dhruv opened the door..He smiled seeing me and by seeing my face, he started teasing me saying "Powderdappa" as I applied powder like a coating 🙄..It's all because of him..

I asked about Dharani and mama ..He said that they are talking in bedroom and said not to disturb them for sometime so only he is sitting in the hall and doing homework..I smiled hearing him and pinched his cheeks .

He said he will go and play Cricket with his friends and he went as Naina( his friend) called him..

" My girlfriend is calling..Bye" He ran saying it and after hearing it I smiled forgetting everything..I went in and thought of suprising them..I stood near their room door..

I heard them talking about my marriage..So I stood there silently without making noise...

Shivani POV end

Authors POV

" What can we do Adi?" Dharani said in a sad tone and Adhitya rubbed his forehead tensed..

" We didn't think about it before..Now after paying Dhruvs school fees we can buy 10 soverigns using our savings.." Adhitya said and Dharani look at him shocked..

" What are you saying?? How can we buy 10 soverigns maa have 3 and half lakhs and by keeping it how can we..."

Before she could complete adhitya interrupted " I'm not saying about your mom's money..I'm saying about our savings" He said and both Dharani and Shivani are shocked hearing it.

" But it's for Dhruv's future..Are you sure??..Will your parents agree for it???" Dharani asked and he glared her..

" I said you many times that Shivani is like my daughter  ..And I still have energy to earn money and we aren't without food or clothes right..And it's the savings from our salaries so my parents can't question us .. Instead they will be happy" Adhitya said and Dharani look at him with love 😍..

Adhitya knows if she looks at him like this next she will give a lengthy emotional speech 😂..So he thought of distracting her...

Shivani went out without saying anything..They are doing this for her and she don't want to break their trust on her..She wants them to be happy..

She saw dhruv playing and she called him.." why are you going??" He asked in a sad tone and she said she will come in few days and asked him not to say his parents that she came..She said seriously so dhruv nodded with a smile and she pinched his cheeks and went..

Arjun isn't a wrong guy..He is a gentleman..And she can't judge or hate him just by a slap..She thought of talking with him ..She took her phone and is shocked to see 12 missed calls from Arjun and 4 from Haasini ..As she put the phone in silent mood..She didn't see it..She opened what's up and saw sorry messages from both of them..

Arjun's last message is " Extremely sorry selfie..I shouldn't have slapped you..I'm already angry on Chezhiyan and when you took your hands away and Haasu is about to fall..In that anger I slapped you..I regret it and please attend the call .I'm feeling guilty..If you wanna say anything say directly..I'm waiting for you"

She thought of taking some money from her account to reduce the burden..But before that she thought of going to the hospital first ...

Shivani went to his hospital as even in government holidays he goes to hospital without changing the shift ...

" I know I m handsome..You don't need to prove it by staring at me like this .." Adhiy said in a teasing way and she smiled mischievously..

" Really??" She asked and pecked his lips..He is suprised by her sudden action..

She winked at him and tried to go ..But he hold her hands and pulled her ..She fell on the bed and he laid beside her ..

He kissed her cheeks and she blushed..

" Leave me Adhi .." She said and he smirked..

" I'm not holding you to leave" He said and she felt embarrassed..She tried to get up from the bed..But this time her man is not letting her go and holding her..She tried but his grip is very tight..

He looked at her lovingly and kissed her forehead.. His eyes landed on her lips and her heart beated fast.."What if someone came...." He kept his fingers on her lips and told her that the door is locked and she is lost in his eyes..

Slowly he started marking her his once again and she too started loosing herself in him❤️🙈..

Shivani went to the hospital and she directly went to Arjun s cabin and opened the door..

She saw Arjun holding his head and Haasini is glaring him..

" May I come in" Shivani asked and both look at her with different emotions.. Haasini smiled at her and left the cabin giving them privacy..

" I....." Before he could speak she stopped him by showing her hand..

" I will speak first.." Shivani said and he nodded..

" First sorry for my behaviour towards Haasini ..I didn't mean it but anyone in your situation would have thought the same..And I know you really feel bad for slapping me . Don't worry I'm alright and no need to speak about it again.." Shivani said and he came near her..

She look at him like what and he touched her cheeks where he slapped and blowed air ..She didn't feel shy or she didn't blush as there is no wrong intention in him..There is only care in his actions and she could sense it..

" How are you now??" This question of him made her irritated..

" What are you thinking in your mind?? Are you a  romance king?? If you blow air and stand like this my pain will fly away ??? " She said and he look at her without saying anything..

" Just buy me a KitKat" She said and he laughed hearing it..

And the dimple in his cheek appeared and she thought" He will convince anyone by his smile 😍" ...


Precap : His village 😍😍

Haiii cutiess..Sorry the online class isn't letting me to update.. Hope you like it .. Please do vote and comment...

I wanna say this to you all" Shivani nd arjun aren't in love..They are just friends now and the feeling they felt in the closeness of each other is because their marriage is fixed..That's why Shivani didn't react much when he slapped her.." Any doubts ask me...

I decided to unpublish Twisted perfection..I will publish it after the completion of destinied to be yours 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thank you so much for those who voted and commented 😍😍😍😍

With love

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