Break ?

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Author's POV

Arjun came home and seeing excited Shivani he smiled at her..

" What happened? My wife looks so happy today" Arjun asked her..

" Guess" Shivani said and Arjun isn't having any ideas..But by her blushing and seeing her happiness he guessed it..

" Are you..." Before he could complete she took his hands and placed on her stomach..

His happiness knew no bounds..But he don't know how to express it..He gave her a bonecrushing hug..

" I'm very happy today selfie..Thank you so much..." He kissed her forehead and bent down..He carresed her stomach and planted a soft kiss .
A shiver ran through her spine..

" Ajju......" She whispered  and he moved from her seeing her face as she's blushing..

" You went to hospital?" He asked her and she nodded her head horizontally..

" Then come let's go.." he said and she look at him confused..

" Now??? We can go tomorrow na?" She asked as she's feeling tired..

" No..We can go now itself.." he said even though it's true he wanna confirm it..

" Ok..Gimme few minutes.." she said and went in to get ready after she came out he went in and freshened up..

They went to hospital and confirmed her pregnancy..

" I'm very happy d..Here after only you should take care of yourself and you shouldn't go out unnecessarily okay?" He asked her and she nodded smiling..

" Then I will ask for work from home.." she said..

"Work????" Arjun asked confused..

" For how many days?" He asked and she replied casually " till my 7 th or 8 th month.."

" What?" Arjun asked shocked and Shivani don't know why he's reacting like that..

" Shivu..Listen to me ..I think it's better if you took a break atleast for an year.." he said and Shivani look at him shocked..

" What the hell??" She yelled at him..

" Are you asking me to quit my job?" She asked him shocked..

" I'm not asking you to quit your job but to take a break from your 4 th month.." He said trying to make her understand.

" Okay..But till??" She asked him calmly..

" First birthday of our baby .." he said..

" May I know the reason?" She Asked with questioning eyes..

" Shivani can't you understand my point?? I know how stressed your sometimes because of the work.. After 4 th month you should be stress free I mean you should be happy.." He said and she understood it..

Everyone think it's the easiest job but only they know the stress they go through...It's beneficial in many ways but it's stressful in some ways too..

" Ok but I will work from home for 2 months..I need to pay off the loan na?" She said and he nodded..

" You said to our family?" He asked and she nodded her head horizontally..

" I will say now ..." She said and took the phone.

But she don't know how to say she felt shy..She forwarded the phone to him and he look at her questioningly..

" How will I say?" She asked blushing and he chuckled..

He informed it to his parents and her family.. Everyone are happy hearing it..They said they will visit soon and after talking for sometime he disconnected the call and saw Shivani who's in her own world lying..

He laid beside her and asked " Helo madam?? In which world are you flying?"

" Ajju.." she playfully hit his shoulders and laid her head on his chest..

They talked for sometime about their future and she slept peacefully in his chest..He smiled and hugged her .

" What are you saying maa?" Haasini asked her mom shocked..

" Just do what I say..I'm not ready to listen anything..I listened a lot already..Your meeting that guy.I'm not compelling you to marry him.. Just asking to meet him Once..I have what's apped you his pic.."  Her mom said and she had no way other than accepting it .

Without option she went in the cab her mom booked..She called Chezhiyan..

" Haan Haasu.. Anything important?" He asked..

She don't know what to reply..

" If your busy..I will...." Before she could complete he interrupted..

" Nothing..I just reached home if you called normally thought of calling you back after freshening up..Say ." He said and she smiled hearing it..

" saw a guy for me..She compelled me to see him and without any option I agreed.." she said..

She expected him to understand her pov..But his words made her shocked..

" Hey Congrats d..I'm so happy for you..Text me after meeting him ok? I'm going to fresh up now..Bye.." he said and she disconnected the call after saying bye..

She went to the restaurant and is shocked as she didn't expect him here..


Precap: Chezhiyan to understand his feelings???

Haiiiiiii cutiess... extremely sorry for being late..The story is gonna end after few parts...

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With love,

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