Love you d pondatii 😍

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Shivani s POV :

I think Arjun is right..I should talk with Teju about it.. Arjun dropped me at the office and went..I went in and saw Aadhi mama smiling seeing the phone.. I'm sure it's dharu..

"Flirting with wife during office hours..It's not good sir " I said and he laughed .

" I'm flirting with my wife only na so that's good for my health." He said and I laughed.

" Everything is well between you and her na? " I asked and he just smiled.

" Please mama..Say something" I pleaded him and he said " Though we aren't talking like before she started talking with me even when dhruv isn't home..At starting she will talk only if dhruv is there now she is behaving normally..I'm sure she will accept me soon.."

I felt bad.. " I'm sorry mama ." I apologized from my heart.

" Hey Shivu it's okay.. Leave it..How's your life?. " He diverted the topic and before I could answer he interrupted " I think I should ask this to Arjun.. How is he managing this American monkey." He said and I glared him..

" Mama ..." I gritted my teeth and he pulled my nose..

" Come let's have some coffee." He said and I nodded..

After that we started our work and I talked with Teju about it.. She said she will talk with Nikhil and I said Ok..

The entire day passed like this..That evening as usual Arjun came and we went home.

Nila akka said she is going to her home town with her family..I will miss her badly..She gave me good company in the past few days.. After talking with her for sometime we came in and he went to fresh up..I made coffee for both of us and after he came we had our coffee together.. After washing it I went to fresh up ...

He is watching news and I made faces..He laughed and asked what I want to watch..

" Gimme..I will change." I said and got the remote from him..

I changed the channel and my bad luck it's Aadhitya Varma movie ..

That too the liplock scene..I tried changing the channel but my horror even the remote isn't working..

I look at Arjun through the corner of my eyes and he is staring me as expected..Why is he looking at me like I'm his KitKat chocolate..

'For God's sake he is your husband 'my mind said and I smiled sheepishly..

When I lifted my head it's their romance scene..God!! It's very embarrassing to see these kinds of scenes with our husband.

I'm sure my cheeks are red now..Thank God Arjun switched off the TV.

" I will prepare dinner.." I said and tried to escape but he held my hands and pulled me towards him..

"Ajju ... What are you doing?.Leave me. " I said but his grip on me didn't loose.

" I love you d pondaati ." He said in a husky voice near my ears and kissed on my shoulders..

God!!! What's he doing? I think he is in romancing mood.

He cupped my cheeks and kissed all over my face..I tried to speak but only air is coming from my mouth...

He lifted me and I whispered" lights..." He switched off the lights and he went inside our room. We made love that night..

Her POV end.

Dharani s POV :

Now a days I'm torturing him a lot because of my mood swings. But it's his punishment for hiding the truth from me..

But he is very sweet.. Sometimes he gets irritated but doesn't show his irritation on me..

He took care on dhruv too..This night I asked him to buy Pani Puri.. During my first pregnancy for first few months I'm normal only but this time I get mood swings often..

He came with my fav Pani Puri and dhruv is playing with his friends outside..Even though I liked the taste it's not like having it on the shop itself..

" How's it ?" He asked and I said " not bad." He shrugged his shoulders and went to fresh up..I went to prepare coffee for him ..

I came with his coffee and he is drying his face with the towel..I forwarded him the coffee and he got it..

We switched on the TV and he started watching Cricket..I Know if he watch cricket he won't let anyone change the channel.. But now I wanna see a comedy channel.. So I tried to take remote from his hands..But his grip on the remote is tight...

" Please Aadhi.." I said and he gave the remote.. I think it's because he knows about my mood swings..

For few minutes I saw comedy and after that I'm bored so I put sunmusic after sometime movie and now news...

" Why are you changing the channels often?? See any one na" he said and I changed into cartoon...

Dora bujji is running on the TV and he glared me..

" what are you doing dharu?? " He asked me irritated..

" I'm not asking Aadhi..Your baby wanna see this ." I said trying to be as much innocent I can..

He laughed Hearing it and went inside taking his laptop... Dhruv came in after playing and I asked him to do his homework for which he pout and I took his school diary and helped him with it..

After that I went to prepare dinner.. After having dinner I called Shivani but she didn't lift the call.. I think she is busy so I didn't call her again..

I'm feeling tired so I went to sleep after making sure that dhruv slept.. Aadhitya is still working on his laptop and I asked him whether it will be late..He said he will come in few minutes and asked me to sleep..I nodded and  slept..

Her POV end..

Chezhiyan s POV :

After that I didn't talk with Trisha.. That evening I got a call from Commissioner s office...I went to see the commissioner.

He gave me an envelope and I got that confused..It's my promotion order also her father's encounter order..

I am shocked to see that..I thought of arresting him and punishing him..But encounter?? Can I do that??


Precap : Haasini s happiness

Haiiiiiii cutiess 😍😍😍 Hope you liked it .. Please do vote and comment...

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