First kiss🙈

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Author's POV :

That night Everyone went to Coimbatore by train..They fixed ShivJun engagement after two days..Shivani went to Arjun's flat to inform about that only in the morning..Also Arjun s mother called him to inform him but he said he is busy..At afternoon Mugen informed him and he took leave also he asked Haasini to take leave as he felt she needs to move on..He didn't inform Chezhiyan.. Haasini didn't agree..He asked Haasini s mom and she too felt the same..So she asked Haasini to go with them...

In the train Mugen, Ramya, Dharani , Adhitya are sitting in one side and on other side Haasini, Arjun, Shivani , Aadhu is sitting in Haasini s lap and dhruv is sitting near Shivani..They didn't sleep as they already slept in afternoon 😂😂😂..They talked for sometime teasing other..Ramya and Adhitya are the main 😁..They started teasing about their crushes when Ramya said about his first crush that's their classmate Dharani glared him..He said about a guy who proposed Ramya and by hearing it Mugen laughed as he knows what happened..While others look at three questioningly.. Adhitya said" Our professor proposed her and she said she wanna talk with him alone..I don't know what she said but from the next day he didn't even look at her" He said and everyone burst out laughing..

( Cutiess..Ramya and Adhitya are friends.. Adhitya and Mugen are from same village also their family god is same)

Haasini went to restroom and when she came out her eyes are fixed on the man standing there with a smile on his face.. Seeing his smile she too smiled and soon reality strikes her..Her heart ached but she said she have to move on and got some courage to go that way..But by seeing her with him her eyes welled up..She again went inside and washed her face and came out..

She is about to cross them but stopped seeing him..His eyes met hers..He didn't speak anything he turned his face and she gave him a painful smile and went to her place..Arjun noticed her change while others are busy with Aadhu ND dhruv..

He held her hands and asked what through his eyes while she smiled and nodded her head horizontally and as she is sitting near the window she started enjoying the nature..The cool breeze and the full moon made her heart light..

Here the man who broke her heart is sitting in the nearby seat with his so called lover and family..They also belong to the same village.. Chezhiyan s parents died in an accident and it's his grandparents who brought him up..He goes there to see him and to introduce his girlfriend..

Shivani who turned is suprised to see Chezhiyan..She smiled at him and he returned the smile..His eyes moved to Arjun who glared him and turned his face..And Haasini who didn't even look at him..It pained him a lot..It's true he didn't love her but for him she is like his Second mother ❤️.. Though he didn't express it to her..She is always special for him..

While Shivani s mind is filled with the scene she saw evening..She is on her way to railway station at that time Chezhiyan is on duty and checking the vehicles..Now he is checking the cab and seeing her inside the can he smiled and she too smiled back..

At that time one constable came and said a girl is kidnapped few minutes ago and she is a doctor..When he asked her name the constable said her name is Haasini and he is shocked..He asked the inspector standing near him to take care of the checking and he ran near his Jeep and went..Shivani saw fear in his eyes..Fear of losing someone very important..That confused her ..After sometime she heard that he rescued the girl..She knows Haasini is with Arjun so she didn't take it seriously...

She understood that Haasini is very important to him..But why is he distancing from her??? That's disturbing her..

The next day they reached Coimbatore and from Coimbatore railway station..Mugen's dad came to pick them and Chezhiyan s uncle came from him..And for Adhitya his younger brother Nikhil came..Shivani asked Haasini to come with her..But she refused .. Chezhiyan is enjoying their talks while Trisha didn't like him watching them ...She held his hands and asked him to come..

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