Misunderstandings 🥺

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Aadhitya s POV :

She is not taking rest from the time we reached Chennai..She is pregnant..Does she remember it??? She is very careless now a days. I went near her when she is preparing breakfast in a hurry. She turned and smiled at me..

" Few minutes Aadhi..I will prepare breakfast soon" She said with a tensed face..

" No need to be tensed.. Today you apply leave and I will go after an hour to office..Now let's go to hospital..Get ready..I will take care of dhruv.." I said..

" Hospital?? For what Aadhi ?" She asked me with a confused Face..

" For God's sake your pregnant..We need to consult a doctor na?" I said irritatedly ...

She smiled sheepishly and said" just few minutes..I will prepare breakfast" I glared her and she pleaded through her eyes..I nodded and went..

I helped dhruv to arrange his books.when we came down she arranged the breakfast on the table and went in ...

I made dhruv to eat and sent him to school as his school bus came..I waited for her and without making me wait for long time she came ..We had our breakfast and went to hospital..

Though she smiled outside I know that she is tensed..I held her hands and she held my hands very tightly..I pressed her hands and said" everything will be alright.." She smiled and the nurse asked us to go in..

The doctor asked me to wait here and took her in.. After few minutes her reports came and the doctor said " Congrats Mr Aadhitya.Your wife  is pregnant but she is  weak ..She should take rest..I will give medicine she should take it regularly..She should come for monthly check up .." I smiled at the doctor and after buying the medicine and settling the bill we came out..

" From now you should be careful dharu..I think it's better if you leave your job " I said to her..

" How can I leave my job?? I don't wanna increase your burden Aadhi..We need money for shivus marriage na..In that I don't want you to suffer alone" She whispered..

What's she thinking?? Won't I spend money for my Shivu s marriage?. It's not a burden ..Why is she talking like this..

" I know how to manage it..Do you think that your husband is not capable to spend money for your sisters marriage?" I asked with anger and she immediately nodded her head horizontally..

" I didn't mean it..." She said and I stopped her by showing my hands .

" If you have trust in me, leave your job and take rest as doctor said..If you go to college you will be stressed thinking about the students and the portion..That's not good for our baby.." I said in a calm tone ..

She nodded her head and said" I will give my resignation letter tomorrow" ..I smiled at her and we went home..

I asked her to take rest and went to office as we should complete an important project before Shivu s marriage..I saw my team members already waiting for me and we started discussing about it.. During the lunch break, Shivani got a call and after talking she is very happy..I think Dharani said about her pregnancy..

She came to me and before she could talk I got a call from my mom..She asked me about Dharani s health..She said when she called Dharani she said she was taking rest as she vomited..

I didn't know about this ..I need to ask her ...

" Maa..She is pregnant" I said with hesitation thinking what if she misunderstood as Dharani didn't say her ..

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