Knowing him..

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Authors POV:

Shivani don't know how to react..She stood there shocked..Arjun broke out into laughter.. She look at them confused..

" How are you man?" Arjun asked that police officer...

" Haha..I'm fine..I think sister is confused" he said seeing Shivani ...

" What's happening here??" Shivani asked..

" He is Chezhiyan, Assistant commissioner of police..My friend" Arjun said and Shivani sighed in relief...

" I thought he came to arrest you" Shivani said and Arjun laughed..

" How are you ma?" He asked Shivani and she said" fine Anna.. How are you?"

Before he could reply Arjun s bestie interrupted...

" You are calling him Anna..But you didn't even ask my name😏" She said and turned her face..

" Ok selfie..Your Calling him Anna na so call her Anni " Arjun said..

Shivani look at both of them ...Haasini blushed while Chezhiyan glared Arjun ...

" Ohh okay ..I will call you Anni" shivani said...

" Hey nothing like that.. Just call her Haasini orelse Arai loosu ( half mental) that will suit her well" He said..

( Yeah cuties..She is Haasini ..The girl who got scoldings from arjun)

"How dare you idiot?" Haasini said and hit his shoulders...

" Leave me you stupid girl" Chezhiyan said...

Arjun is seeing his phone as it's the normal thing happening in between them..Shivani is enjoying their cute fight...

" You both look adorable" Shivani said and she noticed Chezhiyan s face lost the smile...

" It's nothing like you think ma" Chezhiyan said and a constable came near their table and whispered something to Chezhiyan..

" Ok guys..I need to leave now" he said and Arjun glared him..

" You know about that murder case right..We are nearing the end I guess..It's very important da" Chezhiyan said ...

" That's why you came here without excusing right?? Orelse you would have said some reason to avoid coming here" Arjun said..

" Nothing like that ..I will call you afterwards .." he went not before smiling at Shivani ..

" Actually they aren't in love" Arjun said....


" I love him shivu ...But that idiot didn't accept my love" Haasini said..

Shivani felt bad for her...

" I'm sorry.." Shivani said..

" Haha no need to be sorry.. Before your marriage I will make him propose me😂" She said and Shivani smiled...

After talking for sometime Arjun and Shivani went in his bike and Haasini went by cab...

After an hour:

Arjun is sitting in a sofa and waiting for her..Shivani came out of the room and smiled at him..He too smiled back and asked her to sit near him...

Shivani POV

I'm feeling nervous..First time I am alone with a stranger.. Though he is my future husband and I feel comfortable when I m with him it can't change the fact right...

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