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Arjun s POV

I am standing near the bus stand waiting for my friend..He too came in few minutes and we went to the nearby restaurant..I got a call from my Anni ( Brothers wife) so I excused myself and came out of the restaurant..She asked me to come to their house directly..I don't know the reason when I asked why she said to come first and we will talk after that..I said ok and disconnected the call..

There I saw a girl ..She is looking at a bike with excitement in her eyes..She is going near that bike ..They Way she walked and the way she rolled her eyes made me think that she is a thief 😂

I remained in the same position to see her next move..She is taking selfies..I thought she will do some other thing..She is different I thought..

A guy is glaring her and coming towards the bike..I think it's his bike..He pressed the horn and even I am irritated by that sound..She turned with irritation..I am enjoying her antics..It's the first time I am feeling curious about a girl...I am eagerly waiting for her reaction...

Are you mad??" She asked him ..Irritation is clearly evident in her voice..

" It's my bike.." he said with anger filled tone..

" So what? Don't you have humanity?" She asked him..

Humanity?? I am confused how is humanity related to it?

" Humanity? How is humanity related to this " he asked her..

I am also waiting for her answer..

" yeah..You even don't let anyone take selfie with this bike..Then how will you help the poor people and old aged people..Shame on you..Are you really an Indian citizen..It's pathetic.." she said and now I understood that she is trying to escape from him..At that time Adhi Anna( brother) came she sat in his bike.. How is she related to him? I am thinking about it ...

" Arjun what are you doing there? Come soon."I heard my friend's voice..

I forgot about him thinking about this girl ..

After sometime I reached my brothers house.. I m suprised seeing my parents and my sister there..

They said they saw a girl and they like her a lot and tomorrow we are going to see her ..I was shocked hearing it..

" But I need to talk with her first ..Then....." Before I could complete Mugen stopped me..

" You can talk with her when you meet her tomorrow..We aren't forcing you ..If you like her we can proceed or else let's leave.." Mugen said but I m not convinced ..

" But what's the need to see her immediately?" I asked

" Because Astrologer said if you didn't marry within three months for fhe next four years you can't marry" Ramya Anni said..

Now I understood..If that Astrologer said my family won't change their decision..So I agreed to it and went to fresh up...

After that I played with my princess Aadhu ❤️..Mugen Anna and Ramya Anni s daughter..

" Aadharshini" my Maa called her..She pout and said" Paati( granny) call me Aadhu or else dharshu don't call me that "

I chuckled hearing it.." But that's your name na?? " Maa said and she asked me too support her ..

Maa said " My son will support me only"

She Turned towards me and pulled my nose and asked" Chittapa ( dad's younger brother) you will support me only na"

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