Revenge time 😉

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Author's POV:

The next day when Arjun woke up he saw Shivani sleeping on his chest peacefully she is wettening her lips even while sleeping. He chuckled seeing her and made her lie on the pillow. He completed his morning chores and she is still sleeping 😴..He slapped his forehead and tried to wake her up...

But she didn't.." Shivaniiii " he shouted her name near her ear and it worked..She jerked from the bed and glared him...

" Don't glare me ..You should cook right? Also go to office today .. Hurry up" saying so he went out...

She completed her morning chores and is about to go out of the room..She saw Arjun reading newspaper drinking the coffee..Her eyes scanned the kitchen but there is no coffee for her. Suddenly her face brightened she ran and sat on the bed and shouted " Arjunnn " .. Arjun who just drank his coffee immediately rushed in and asked " what happened" ..

" It's all because of you..I'm very tired my stomach is also paining a lot.." she said looking at the bed. He felt bad for her.

" Is it very paining" he asked with lil tension. Though she felt bad for him it's her revenge time. So she made a sad face and said " yes a lot..."

"I'm sorry..You take rest for sometime I will prepare breakfast" He said with guilt.

"Will you please put those clothes in washing machine?" She asked pleadingly..

" Okay.." Saying so he put those clothes in the Machine..When he is about to go out she called him again..

" What?" He asked softly..

" Will you please fold the clothes in my bag and arrange in the cupboard..I know I'm troubling you a lot... but............." Before she could complete he interrupted " Nothing like that..I will fold" Saying so he folded and neatly arranged in the cupboard..

" Arjun fan... Arjun water.. Arjun......Arjun...."

Like this itself she made him Clean the house. When he came inside she went to take bath. He arranged the breakfast in the table and went to the nearby room to get ready.

Though Shivani felt bad she enjoyed the way he took care of her. After sometime they got ready for their respective works. Shivani got an important work so she said she will meet Haasini at evening. Arjun dropped her in the office and went to hospital.. He didn't expect Haasini there..

" Haasu you need to take rest na" He asked seeing her pale face and she smiled weakly..

" I'm good..Did Chezhiyan said something?" She asked seriously . Arjun nodded his head horizontally..

" No ..Why?" He asked her.

" I said who kidnapped me..He didn't say anything..That's why I asked" She said casually shrugging her shoulders.

" What??? " Arjun asked shocked..

" Who is that Haasu?" He asked still in shock.

" Chezhiyan's future father in law" She said with an emotionless face thinking about yesterday s night.

Yesterday's night:

After dropping Haasini Chezhiyan asked her whether she knows who kidnapped her. Her mother glared Chezhiyan.

" First let her come inside" Her mom said in a cold tone.

" Maa... Please.." She said and turned to Chezhiyan.

" Even if I said you won't take action Chezhiyan . It's totally waste of time" She said and is about to go but he held her hands. She is already tired and weak. So she sat down but he didn't leave her hands. Her mom is angry on Chezhiyan as he is questioning her instead of asking her to take rest.

" It's your future father in law..Will you take action?" She asked and he left her hands. He didn't expect this answer. Without even saying a word he left the place immediately .


Chezhiyan is walking to and fro in the station.. For every minute he check his phone but his expression reflect his impatience. His phone beeped and he opened that message.. Seeing it his eyes are red in anger. He called that person who sent that message and that person confirmed that the hospital belongs to Trisha s dad and he is also doing illegal business apart from this..

He went to commissioner office and came out with the arrest warrant..

He wanted to arrest him right now. But he needs more evidence so he thought of waiting for some days. But he is sure about punishing him.

The entire day Shivani is busy with the work and she didn't have time even to talk with Aadhitya..Same goes with him..

That evening Mugen invited ShivJun for dinner..They had no other option so they agreed..Shivani talked with Haasini over the phone and Arjun went to her office to pick her.. There he met Aadhitya and they both talked for few minutes..Shivani came and after saying bye to Aadhi both of them went to their flat. They freshened up and went to Mugen's home buying some sweet and snacks. Mugen and Ramya welcomed them happily.

Seeing the cover in Shivani s hands Ramya glared her.

" Why you brought that Shivu?? Why are you guys being so formal?" Ramya asked with little irritation.

" Before marriage Arjun isn't like it.. After marriage he became like this.. What to do?" Mugen said looking at Shivani and she glared him.

" So you also changed after marriage ah mama?" Shivani asked Mugen. Seeing Ramya glaring him he managed and covered it up by saying " I mean he became more responsible after marrying a responsible girl like you."

The remaining three burst into laughter..Aadharshini who was doing her homework inside the room came running hearing her chitappa s voice..

Seeing her coming Arjun kneel down and after she came near him he lifted her and twirled.

Shivani gave her chocolate and she got it with a smile. Shivani kissed her cheeks and showed her cheeks. Aadhu kissed her and Arjun turned his face.

" Only for your chithi?" He asked pretending to be angry.

" No chitappa.. For you too" She said in her cute voice and kissed on Arjun's both cheeks.

" Aww my princess 😍" Arjun said rubbing his nose with hers and made her sit..She started playing games on Arjun's phone.. Arjun and Mugen are talking while the women went kitchen..

After half an hour they arranged the dinner on the table and everyone had dinner.. After sometime Arjun and Shivani bid bye to them and went to their flat..They were tired so they both slept as soon as they reached the flat..

Trisha is worried as Chezhiyan didn't lift the call.. Hearing that Chezhiyan dropped Haasini home yesterday night her eyes welled up with tears..She bite her lips and tried to control her tears. She again called Chezhiyan but he didn't lift the call..

She came out to fetch water but what she saw is the thing she can't accept..If anyone said her what's she seeing she wouldn't have believed but now she is seeing with her own eyes.

" Daddddddddd..." She screamed at the top of her voice..


Haiii cutiess... Extremely sorry for being late and hope you like it.. Please do vote and comment ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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