she comes home to find you asleep

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"y/n?" Dahyun called out, trying to feel around for everything so she wouldn't stumble over her own two feet in the pitch-black living room. The curtains were drawn and the lights were out and for a moment, she actually thought you were upstairs in your shared room, tucked in and safe and sound.

But then, she heard a few soft sounds come from nearby. She felt around for the lamp and then flipped the switch. When the room lit up, she was met with the sweetest sigh of you sleeping soundly on the sofa.

She noticed you were wearing her hoodie and covered with her blanket, although it was slipping off of you and resting at your feet. Her hoodie was riding up, exposing the lower part of your back to the cool air in the room and instinctively, she came over and pulled the blanket over your shoulders so you'd be warm.

She didn't have the heart to wake you and thought she'd just head upstairs and let you sleep until you woke up, either in the morning or in search of her sometime throughout the night.

But the kiss she laid on your forehead made you stir and open your eyes. She cracked a small smile at you and started to comb her fingers through your hair as you closed your eyes once more.

"Sorry I woke you, baby. I'll let you sleep here for the night. Get some rest." She whispered softly and went to go upstairs, only for you to grab her hand to keep her from leaving you alone.

"Don't go."

"Baby," she chuckled at your mumbled words, seeing just how tired you were and how you were practically falling back asleep again already. "You're too tired to go up to bed. Do you want me to carry you? Hm?"

You shook your head and opened your heavy eyes once more to gaze at her.

"Stay here with me. Please?"

She couldn't resist the pout you were giving her and caved immediately. She took off her shoes and climbed behind you. Her head fell to your shoulder, her lips brushing against your neck as you relaxed at her touch.

"I missed you today."

"I missed you too," she replied, smiling as you started to fall back asleep. "You were on my mind all day. But nothing new about that."

You chuckled sleepily, managing to smile despite your sleepy state.

"I love you so much."

She kissed your head, humming contentedly when you whispered the words back to her.

"Are you cozy enough? Warm enough?"

"I'm perfect."

She nodded and slipped her hand beneath your hoodie to run her fingers in soft circles along your back. She listened to your breathing even out before she reached back to turn the lamp off and then laid her head on your back to fall asleep.

"Sweet dreams, my love. I love you lots." She mumbled tiredly as she drifted off to sleep, cozy and warm just like you.

Dahyun Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now