she kisses your neck

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"I should start getting ready." You sighed and unwrapped Dahyun's arms from around you so you could get out of bed.

But just as you swung your legs over the mattress and put one foot onto the floor, she wrapped her arms back around you and pulled you back into bed.

You giggled as she closed her eyes, a contented sigh falling from her lips as she relished in the warm feeling she always gets when she's holding you close.

"Dahyun, babe, I would love to lay here with you but we have reservations. Remember? Don't want to be late." You explained and kissed her cheek, thinking that she'd understand and let you go, and maybe even start getting ready too.

But she opened her eyes and shook her head at you.

Before you could say or do anything, she was rolling you onto your back to hover over you.

"You have to start getting ready? Right this minute? We've got time."

"Not much time." You said. "We should start getting ready."

She didn't say anything in response.

Instead, she leaned in and brushed her lips against your neck.

Your breath hitched and your heart skipped a beat, the rush that came with that one sweet kiss flooding over you.

"Maybe I can change your mind." She spoke softly as she started to kiss your neck, more and more sweet and loving kisses were being peppered across every inch of your skin.

"Dahyun," You moaned as you laced your fingers through her hair as she began to leave a few hickeys across your neck.

You gasped and tried to pull her closer as you put your head back, giving her more skin to kiss.

"I love you." You sighed.

"Oh, baby girl, I love you too." She said and kissed your collarbones and your chest before moving back to your neck.

You never wanted her to stop. The rush was so blissful, every delicate kiss making you feel so loved as your heart filled with warmth and happiness.

But, suddenly, she pulled away.

"Why, Dahyun?" You whined.

"I don't know, my love. I mean, we're getting low on time. I think we should start getting ready for our reservation, right?"

"Don't you dare, babe." You said as you tightened your grip on her as she tried to get up.

"Baby," she chuckled, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear. "We don't want to be late."

"We could get another reservation soon and do takeout later." You suggested as you toyed with the hem of her shirt.

"Oh? And what do you think we should do since we won't make our reservation, huh?"

"You could just keep kissing my neck." You said and watched her eyes light up.

"Yeah?" She giggled and pecked your lips a few times before she started to kiss your neck again. "You're sure?"

"Yes, Dahyun. Forget about our reservation. Just keep kissing me like this." You almost pleaded and Dahyun couldn't deny how much she liked hearing those words fall from your lips.

"You've got it, my love." She smiled and started to kiss your neck, giving you more hickeys.

This was better than any dinner reservation and whatever else you should've done throughout that night; so much better.

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