her being a red-flag girlfriend - part two (requested)

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You zipped up your suitcase just as the front door opened and closed downstairs.

You took a deep breath as you lowered the picture frame on your nightstand that had a photo of you and Dahyun in it, back when things were better between the two of you.

"I'm home," Dahyun said as she entered the room, placing her bag on the chair. "What a long day. You made dinner, right?"

She froze as soon as she saw your bags on the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm leaving." You said.

"And you're going where?"

"Anywhere that you aren't." You said. "I've got everything packed. I'll find a way to get my furniture soon."

"Where is this coming from?" She scoffed. "You're leaving me? For what?"

"For what? Are you kidding? Do you hear the way you speak to me? You're so controlling! You control what I wear, when I can and can't go out, who I can be friends with. You've become so narcissistic and selfish."

She folded her arms over her chest as she furrowed her brows.

"Or... maybe you've always been that way and I just didn't see it. Or I didn't want to see it. Because I was genuinely in love with you. I don't think you ever felt the same."

"I do."

"Well, you have a very funny way of showing it!" You said, raising your voice. "All I know is I can't take any more of this. I can't do this anymore. I don't know who I am. I'm so concerned with pleasing you that I've lost myself. Anything to make you happy and avoid fights or you making me feel like garbage."

"I don't see where you're getting all of this."

"Because you refuse to think about anyone but yourself, Dahyun. You won't see my point of view because you only care about you. I'm done."

You grabbed your bags and headed for the door.

"I deserve so much better than this and you." You said as you walked down the stairs with her following behind you.

"You're giving up so much. You'll never find someone like me again!" She shouted as you grabbed your keys and walked out the door.

"That's the point." You said as you put your bags in the car. "You've shown me what I do and don't deserve in life and love. I'll be so lucky to find someone different than you. They'll surely be better than you because you're a terrible human being."

You started your car and gazed at her, finding her jaw clenched and her nearly bursting with anger.

"But I feel so sorry for the next person that falls for you. I hope she sees what you're like before she makes the same mistakes I do. You need to change and be a better person but I doubt that'll ever happen. Because people like you never change."

And with that, you pulled out of the driveway, so ready to leave this part of your life behind and find someone better someday.

You deserve it.

Dahyun Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now