she has cravings (requested)

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You felt Dahyun's soft lips brush against your cheek, making you stir from your peaceful sleep.

You opened your tired eyes to find her sitting there beside you with a cute smile on her face as your eyes met.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." She said.

"It's okay." You spoke with a yawn. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Well, no, not really."

"What's the matter?"

"I'm having terrible cravings for ice cream and we don't have any." She explained.

You took a look at the clock on your nightstand and groaned as you realized it was only a little after two in the morning.

"The baby wants it so badly, Y/N," She said with a little pout before she brushed her hand over her tiny bump.

She wasn't that far along, only a little over four months, but she was starting to show and she had this glow about her that melted your heart.

She seems so much happier these days, even more than usual, and you love seeing it.

And although you're exhausted, you know that Dahyun knows that you would do anything for her and the baby - including late-night ice cream runs.

"What flavor?" You asked as you kicked the blankets off your feet.

"My favorite! You know the one." She said as she puckered her lips for a kiss and you happily gave it to her after you put your shoes on.

You grabbed your keys and your phone before turning back to her.

"I'll be back in just a few minutes."

"Okay. We'll be waiting for you!" She beamed before you walked out the door, grinning right back at her.

You got into the car and made your way to the store before going inside and grabbing Dahyun's favorite ice cream.

You grabbed more than one container so she'd have enough for a few nights.

Making your way up to the counter, you stood behind a couple of people and patiently waited to pay for the ice cream.

Once finished, you grabbed the bags and went back out to the car, and made your way home.

You walked through the front door and Dahyun was waiting in the living room, standing up and giddily reaching for her ice cream.

"That should make the baby happy, right?" You asked with a little smile as you watched her grab a spoon and devour the ice cream.

"Yes!" She replied. "So happy. And we're so grateful for you. Thank you so much, baby."

You walked to her and gently caressed her bump before giving it a little kiss.

You kissed her lips softly before pulling back to admire how happy and beautiful she seemed to be.

"Cravings satisfied, my love?"

"Yeah, thank you, baby. Do you want some?" She asked as she put a spoonful to your lips.

You happily ate it, making Dahyun grin.

"We love you so much." She said.

"I love you both too, so very much." You spoke before taking a seat at the counter with her, sharing her ice cream and her happiness.

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