when paparazzi touch her bump (requested)

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"I think this may be my favorite thing we've gotten the baby so far!" Dahyun excitedly said as she pulled the tiny knitted slippers out of the shopping bag to look at them again.

You've been spending a lot of days like this recently; shopping and spoiling the little human that you and Dahyun are expecting together.

But you absolutely love it that way as you already adore spoiling them and seeing the happiness in Dahyun's eyes every time she finds something that she loves for the baby brings her so much joy.

"That's my favorite too, as well as the adorable baby blanket with the elephant on it." You said and Dahyun's eyes lit up as she nodded in agreement.

She's only five months along but just a couple of days ago, Dahyun had her most recent scan and when the opportunity came to see if you'd be having a little boy or a little girl, you both declined and chose to wait and see.

You both love the idea of being surprised and you also love all the adorable gender-neutral things that all the stores carry for the baby.

"We made the right choice. I'm even more excited to meet them now." Dahyun said as she put her hand on her bump.

And you happily put yours on it as well, basking in the happiness you felt upon thinking about meeting your little angel in just a few months.

"I swear, you're still glowing." You said and leaned over to kiss her cheek as you started to walk hand in hand to the car.

"Thank you." She smiled.

But her smile quickly fell upon seeing a car pull up to you both as you and Dahyun stepped off the sidewalk.

"Dahyun!" A man said as he and a few other paparazzi got out of the car, big cameras in their hands.

"You've got to be kidding." You grumbled under your breath.

"More baby shopping? That's fun. Congratulations to you both." One man said.

"Thanks," Dahyun mumbled.

"What are you two having? A boy or a girl?" He asked.

"None of your business." You said.

"Oh, come on. I'm sure someone will find out sooner or later and announce it to the world. Don't you want to be first?" The first guy spoke.

"No. Again, it's none of your business." You said and continued to walk hand in hand with Dahyun, moving a little faster now.

Angry that you and Dahyun refused to give them what you want, another paparazzi came up close to you both and laid his hand on Dahyun's stomach.

Dahyun looked shocked, staring at the man with a look of disbelief.

But while she was shocked, you were enraged.

"Hey!" You screamed, startling him. "Don't you ever touch her!"

He took a couple of steps back, surprised by you screaming so loud and so suddenly.

"It's bad enough that you constantly invade people's privacy but it's even worse to come up and touch my pregnant wife's stomach! You don't touch her, not ever! Understand?"

You were outraged, your blood practically boiling from the intense anger you felt.

"You're going to regret it if you ever touch her again and that doesn't go for just you, it goes for all of you. It's disrespectful and uncomfortable for you to be touching her stomach like that. Keep your hands off of her."

Dahyun couldn't help but smirk as all of the men stood back and just snapped photos of you two walking to the car.

They refused to say anything and they didn't dare get too close to you or Dahyun and invade your personal space.

They knew better.

Judging by the look in your eyes, they knew you were dead serious.

There was no way they were going to let even a finger on Dahyun.

"Get in the car, baby." You told Dahyun as you finally reached the vehicle.

Putting the bags of baby things in the trunk of the car, you slammed it shut and glared at the paparazzi in anger as you walked to the driver's side.

"Are you okay? Is the baby alright?" You asked Dahyun as you got in and closed the door.

"Yeah. We're both fine." She grinned before kissing your lips softly. "Thank you for protecting us. That was scary but having you here to keep us both safe makes everything better."

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for my babies. I promise I'll always be here to keep you both safe. I love you."

"We love you too." She smiled as you gave her one more kiss.

After pulling away, you caressed her bump lovingly, and you swore to yourself that you'd do whatever it took to keep her and the baby as happy and as safe as they can be.

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