stuck (requested)

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The sound of Dahyun's phone ringing distracted her from the conversation she was sharing with Momo.

She and the girls were all in the studio, working on some new music.

They were in the middle of taking a break and Dahyun was thinking about calling you.

But she saw your name on the screen, making a grin pull at her lips.

"Darling!" She greeted happily as she answered your call. "I was just thinking about calling you."


The way you said her name made her heart sink.

You were panicking.

Something was wrong.

"Y/N, baby? What is it? What's the matter?"

"I got in an accident and I can't get out of the car. I'm stuck!"

"Oh, my god," She said as she, too, began to panic.

"I can't get out! What do I do?"

"Okay, baby, I'm having Nayeon call for help right now. They're going to be there soon and so will I! We're going to get you out of there."

"I'm scared, Dahyun. I smell something, like something's leaking. What if it catches fire? What if I can't get out and I'm stuck in here?"

You were starting to cry.

The pain from your injuries was starting to sink in and on top of that, you were so panicked by the situation that you just didn't know what to do.

It was horrifying.

"I'm going to be there in a heartbeat, baby. Don't panic, okay? We're going to get you out of there."

You continued to try and get out of the vehicle but no matter what you did, you couldn't.

"Stay on the phone with me, baby. I'm on my way." Dahyun promised as she got in the car and made her way to where you were. "I'll be there soon and help will too. Stay calm. Take some deep breaths."

It was a lot easier said than done.

But help showed up a few minutes later, much to your and Dahyun's relief.

"We're going to get you out of there." The fireman promised as Dahyun pulled up.

She saw them pry the door off of your car, which was damaged beyond repair.

She hurried over to you as they got you out and laid you gently on the stretcher.

Your injuries weren't terribly severe but they were bad.

And Dahyun was quick to hurry to your side to comfort you.

"Baby, I'm here."

"Dahyun," You breathed out in relief. "I was so scared."

"I know, baby." She said, kissing your forehead despite the blood on your skin. "But you're going to be okay. You're out now, that's all that matters."

They loaded you into the back of the ambulance and Dahyun got in with you, holding onto your hand the entire way to the hospital.

"Everything's going to be just fine, my love. You're safe." She promised as she brushed her thumb across your palm comfortingly, hoping you'd be okay.

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