kissing her during an argument (requested)

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"Dahyun, wait." You said as you followed her into the house, closing the door behind you. "What's going on? Why are you so mad at me?"

"Gee, I wonder why I could possibly be upset with you, Y/N." She said as she folded her arms over her chest.

You just sighed because you knew exactly why she was so unhappy with you.

"You threw a glass of water on our waitress!"

"What was I supposed to do? She was flirting with you nonstop. Maybe if she could take a damn hint, I wouldn't have had to do that."

"I can't believe you, Y/N. You get so jelaous sometiems." She said as she unfolded her arms from over her chest.

"I had every right to be. She wouldn't stop flirting with you! I even told her that we're together and she still kept flirting with you. I had no choice."

"Right, no choice." She scoffed.

"Look, I know it was wrong but at the moment it seemed like the only thing I could do to get my point across. You need to understand why I did it."

"Hm, right, you're jealous. That's why."

This time, you were the one to scoff before you moved closer to her.

"You know I'm yours, Y/N. So there's no reason to get so jealous."

"That's not it, Dahyun."

"Then what is it? Because I only want you. I've made that perfectly clear to the whole world. I'm all yours. When will you understand that?"

You sighed before gently laying your hand on her cheek.

"You know that I don't want anyone else and you're the only one I love. What more could you want?"

You didn't say another word.

Instead, you put your lips on hers to give her a deep kiss.

It took her by surprise so, at first, her breath hitched and she didn't kiss you back.

But it only took a second or two for her to melt into you and the kiss and soon, her lips were moving against yours.

"It's not about any of that, baby. I know you're mine. I know that no one else stands a chance and that you're all mine, too."


"But," You paused before kissing her again. "It's about the waitress knowing that you're mine. I want everyone in the world to know that you're mine because I'm the luckiest girl in the world. But sometimes, some people don't know and they can't seem to take a hint.

There was something about that which made Dahyun's heart skip a beat.

"I didn't expect you to kiss me during an argument. You've never done that before."

"Well, I hate arguing with you."

"I hate arguing with you too." She said as she put her hands on your hips. "Can we just put it all behind us?"

"Sure. How about we cuddle and watch some tv together?"

"I like that idea." She smiled and took your hand before leading you upstairs to your shared bedroom.

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