I will hold onto you - part two (requested)

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You were on your knees on the hospital bed, Dahyun knelt on the floor in front of you as she used one hand to rub your back soothingly and the other to let you squeeze it as hard as you needed.

You were miserable. You were barely getting through the pain at this point. It's so bad you can do nothing but scream every time it hits.

"Dahyun," you groaned and squeezed her hand so hard that Dahyun bit her lip to hold back the wince that was about to fall.

She doesn't want to let you know you're hurting her hand a bit. She knows it's nothing compared to the pain you're feeling and she doesn't want you to feel bad for it.

"You're okay, darling. Take a deep breath."

Dahyun knew that the time was close. The doctor had been in just a bit ago, saying it'd be less than an hour until your baby would be ready to come into the world, and she can tell it's going to be very soon.

"It's nowhere close to being over," you mumbled as you tried to catch your breath. "It's going to get worse."

"I know, baby. But not for long. The baby is so close to coming now. Once they're here, it's all over."

You gasped a little as you felt the pain and the pressure become more intense.

"Dahyun," you gasped, clutching her hand even tighter than before.

"It's happening?" She asked and you nodded, wordlessly telling her that it was time.

"I'll be back. I'll be right back, I promise, baby!" She said as she dropped your hand after giving it a little kiss, only leaving your side to go get the doctor before she rushed back to you.

Her hand was right back in yours, her lips brushing against your forehead as you laid back onto the hospital bed.

Although she hates seeing you in so much pain, her heart is pounding with excitement.

You've been waiting so long and the day has been so long and exhausting for you and she's happy that it was about to come to an end so soon and your baby would finally be here.

"I'm here. Right here." She whispered as she kissed your head.

She encouraged you all the way, staying by your side every agonizing minute... until it was over.

Dahyun dropped her forehead onto yours as you looked at her, both of you shedding a few tears as soon as your baby was curled up to you, right on your chest with their tiny hands on you.

You both shed a few tears and kissed you a few times.

"I love you lots." She whispered before looking down at your baby... your little girl.

"Oh, aren't you precious?" Dahyun smiled through her tears as she stared down at your little girl.

She couldn't help but cry tears of joy.

Her heart was so full, fuller than ever before. She felt so in love with her already and she felt so in love with you, more than ever.

She never thought it'd possible. She never imagined a day would come when she'd love you more than she does now, she thought it was just impossible.

But she'd just watched you bring your daughter into the world and it just hit her so hard, but so wondrously, that she just cried from the absolute joy she felt.

"You're the most beautiful baby I've ever seen." She cooed as she brushed her hand along her little girl's back. "You look like your mom, like her little twin."

You giggled and stared at the little angel that you were so in love with already, her head on your chest.

"Look at your tiny toes and your tiny little fingers," Dahyun grinned as she took her daughter's tiny hand into hers, her heart almost bursting as she watched through the tears blurring her vision as the little girl's tiny fingers wrapped around hers.

"I'm so proud of you," Dahyun whispered, kissing your head. "I told you that you could do it."

"Thanks for believing in me and encouraging me and for letting me squeeze your hand so tight I'm surprised it's not broken."

She laughed and kissed your cheek before you both stared at your little girl.

"You needed support and encouragement and that's what I'm here for. I love you and our precious little angel so much."

"We love you, Dahyun." You smiled and put your head on hers as you both cooed over the little girl you'd finally brought into the world.

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