she won't take off your hoodie

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You continued to grumble under your breath as you searched through the pile of clean clothes you dumped out of the basket and onto the floor moments ago.

You're in search of your favorite hoodie and you can't seem to find it anywhere, no matter how much time you spend retracing your steps and all the places you look for it.

You suddenly heard the sound of the front door opening and closing downstairs, followed by the sound of your girlfriend calling out your name.

"I'm upstairs!" You yelled back and heard her hurried footsteps on the stairs as she rushed up them, so excited to finally see you after being stuck in the studio for a few busy hours.

She appeared in the doorway and her eyes immediately went wide when she saw the clothes scattered around the floor.

"I'm happy you're home! I've missed you and I could really use an extra set of hands to help me find my hoodie. I could've sworn it was sat the top of the basket of my clean clothes but I can't find it. Do you know where it is?"

She knew exactly what hoodie you were talking about. It's your favorite, after all. But she didn't think you'd miss it for the few hours she was wearing it while she was gone.

You were cozy and content this morning when she left, tucked under the blankets as you basked in the kisses she peppered along your forehead.

But now, you were looking for it. But on the upside, you didn't have to look very far.



"Did you hear me?" You asked as you looked around the room once more. "Do you know where it is?"

She tried to fib. Mostly because she was warm and cozy in your hoodie, between the warmth of the insulation and your smell that lingered and filled her lungs, bringing her an inexpressable amount of comfort during her stressful day.

But she can't lie to you and she knew you knew she had it when she tried to speak, only to stutter over her words and her ears to turn red when you turned around and locked eyes.

"You had it all this time?" You spoke in disbelief but she could see the smile tugging at your lips.

There was no mistaking your smile or no use in even trying to deny it; her in your clothes was a sight that melts your heart every time.

"Well," she blushed, only to stop trying to even attempt to put her words together when your lips hit hers.

She sighed against them and reached up to cup your cheek, sending a flutter through your heart that was starting to skip a beat as her lips moved sweetly against your own.

"I should've told you but I was in a hurry. But I needed something of you to keep me sane throughout the day today. It was a busy one."

You nudged your nose against her cheek then kissed it lovingly, making her chuckle.

"That's sweet, baby. But I need you to take it off now."

"In your dreams." She teased as she caressed your cheek.

"But Dahyun," you pouted. "You've had it for most of the day and I'm cold."

She pecked your lips then went to the closet, tugging you along with her hand in yours. She dropped it momentarily, searching through the clothes hung up until she found her favorite hoodie and pulled it over your head.

"There. Better?"

"I guess." You mumbled only to giggle as she tickled your sides.

She put her arms around you and brought you closer, her hands falling to your hips as she pushed her lips back onto yours passionately, finding you absolutely irresistible in her clothes.

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