kissing in the rain

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Dahyun playfully swung your intertwined hands back and forth as you strolled through the park together.

The clouds in the sky were dark grey, but your mood was the complete opposite. You've been all smiles throughout the day so far; over the moon since you get to spend the entire day by your girlfriend's side.

Dahyun was the same; smiling that heart-melting smile of hers that you love so much. It's yet to fall as you continue to soak in the fresh air and talk about anything and everything.

You're about halfway through your walk, simply soaking in every wonderful second spent with her.

But suddenly, you heard a clap of thunder in the distance and you both froze on your feet for a split second. You stared at each other in confusion.

It wasn't supposed to rain today, it was only supposed to be a cloudy day.

However, there was no mistaking the storm that was coming. The branches on the trees were swaying back and forth quickly and there was a harsh wind blowing now, even causing the air to become a little cooler.

"Should we turn back? Maybe we can make it to the car before it starts to pour." Dahyun said and you just nodded in agreement, hoping you could get there before it started to come down.

But luck was not on your side and before you knew it, it was raining cats and dogs. Your clothes were becoming soaked through, your shoes sloshing with every step you took.

You wanted to hurry and get to the car, but Dahyun had other ideas.

She stopped walking and with your hand wrapped tightly in hers, it caused you to stumble a little. You turned back to stare at her in confusion but she was just staring at you with a smile.

"Come here." She spoke softly, waving her finger for you to step closer and closer until you were directly in front of her. She dropped your hand and put her arms around your waist instead.

"What are you doing?" You chuckled.

"Just something I've been wanting to do with you." She explained and before you could ask her what she was talking about, she leaned in and captured your lips with hers.

You moved your hands to loop around her neck. You held onto her a little tighter as you basked in the moment with her.

You had to admit that it was really romantic; more romantic than you ever imagined it being. And it was even more special to share that moment with Dahyun.

You felt your knees growing weak, your chest filling with butterflies as she moved her lips so perfectly against yours.

It was only a moment later when she pulled away when you started to shiver as the wind and rain picked up.


You nodded but before she pulled back to grab your hand and lead you to the car, you kissed her lips once more and all she could do was smile into the kiss.

"I love you so much." She said and took ahold of your hand, bringing it to her lips for a kiss as you walked hurriedly, but safely, together. "That was even more amazing than I thought it'd be."

"Love you too." You smiled as you reached the car and got inside.

Dahyun was quick to turn up the heat to help you both warm up.

"How about when we get home we change into our pajamas, cuddle, lay under the blankets, and watch movies for the rest of the day? Maybe order some takeout and eat some snacks while we're at it?"

You leaned over to kiss her cheek and she smiled brightly.

"Sounds perfect, baby."

Truthfully, you didn't care about what you did; you just wanted to be with her.

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