you have cramps

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Dahyun hummed quietly to herself as she walked through the door.

After a great day spent in the studio with the girls as they got a lot done together, she was in quite a cheerful mood. She was even home earlier than she's been recently and all she could think about was finally having some time to spend with you; her favorite girl in the world.

She kicked off her shoes before making her way up the stairs. She called out for you when she was at the top step, hoping you'd greet her with a hug that she so wanted from you after a busy day.

But instead, she heard you weakly call back out for her.

Her heart had been beating faster than usual out of excitement to see you again, but now that she heard the crack in your weak voice, she grew concerned and her heart hammered against her chest out of worry.

"Baby?" She spoke concerningly as she stood in the doorway, finding you curled up on her side of the bed.

She noticed that your eyebrows were furrowed in discomfort and you didn't look like you were feeling that well.

"Hey, baby girl. Are you okay?"

You shook your head as she sat down at the edge of the mattress beside you. Her hand fell to your forehead and she felt relieved when she felt your cool skin against your fingertips.

"You don't have a fever."

"I'm not sick. I started my period. It hit earlier and I was doing fine on my own until a few minutes ago when I started to get cramps. They're so intense that I can't move. I can't get comfortable."

She ent you a sad smile as she stroked your cheek softly. She's been there many times before herself, she knows just how bad cramps can be.

"Well, I'm here to make it all better." She grinned. "So, tell me what you need."

"My heating pad. Maybe some water, I'm thirsty."

"And?" She chuckled, sensing that you had something else to say. "Cuddles."

"I'm happy to give you all of those things. I'll be back in just a second." She promised and kissed your temple before walking out of the room to go grab you a glass of cold water from the kitchen as well as your heating pad.

She was back by your side in a heartbeat, holding the glass to your lips for you so you could take a few sips.

"I see you're on my side of the bed." She said, feeling a flutter in her heart when she saw you smile.

"I didn't want to bother you because I know you're busy in the studio, so I curled up here. Your smell on your pillows makes me feel warm and cozy."

She laid down beside you but instead of cuddling you right away, she stayed behind you.

She put the heating pad on your stomach after it was plugged in and then began to massage your back and your shoulders.

To also add some more comfort, she scratched her nails gently along your back, causing your skin to tingle and a blissful hum to fall from your lips.

"That feels nice." You mumbled as you began to relax for the first time all day.

"Good." She whispered and peppered kisses along the back of your neck. "Anything else you need?"

"No. I've got you and my heating pad. I feel really good right now. My cramps are even getting better."

"I'm happy to hear that, baby." She said and moved a little closer to you, letting one arm wrap loosely around you while she used her other hand to rub your back soothingly.

"I love you, Dahyun. Thanks for everything."

"I love you more." She said and heard your breathing getting slower as you started to drift off to sleep. "I'm always happy to help. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

You hummed a little, letting her know you heard her. You were too tired and too relaxed to speak. But Dahyun understood. It made her happy to know you were feeling better and it was all thanks to her.

"Sweet dreams, baby. If you need anything, I'm right here to get it for you." She whispered and let her forehead fall to your shoulder, quickly drifting off to sleep, too.

Dahyun Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now