small bump (requested)

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"Good morning!" You told Dahyun as you walked up behind her, kissing the back of her neck a couple of times before you put your chin on her shoulder.

"Good morning, my babies!" Dahyun cheerfully said as she turned around, giving you a couple of kisses on your lips.

She stared into your eyes as she stroked your cheek lovingly.

Despite dealing with some pretty terrible pregnancy symptoms so far these last few weeks, you're still glowing and she can't get enough of it.

She's completely in awe of you, even more so than usual.

"How do you feel this morning? Feeling nauseous at all? Or fatigued?" She asked as she stared at you in concern.

"No. I actually feel good this morning." You said, breathing out a sigh of relief as you put your cheek on her chest. "Is there any way that you could make me a little something to eat?"

"Yes, of course! What would you like to eat? What sounds good?" She asked as she had you sit down at the table.

You were about to reply when you suddenly got the urge to yawn.

As you did so, you stretched your arms out over your head and Dahyun's shirt that you had on slipped up your body a little; just enough to expose something that left Dahyun in amazement.

"What is it?" You asked as you noticed how quiet she was and noticed her staring at you.

She walked to you, pulling one of the chairs closer to yours so she could sit and see if what she thought she saw was actually there.

"I thought I saw something..." She paused as she slowly lifted your shirt up a little, gasping softly when she saw it again. "I knew it! I knew I saw a little bump!"

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before staring down at your stomach.

You were in awe just as she was, completely shocked by the fact that you had a bump now.

"That's so cute!" She said, almost tearing up at the precious sight. "You've got a bump, y/n. It's small but it's there. Our baby is getting bigger each and every day."

"That's amazing." You said in awe as Dahyun put her hand on your stomach.

"When we found out, they were the size of an orange seed. Now they're the size of a pomegranate! How exciting is that?"

You teared up over how happy Dahyun is. Of course, you're happy too.

It's yet another huge milestone that you've experienced over the last seventeen weeks.

It took some time to get here but it all feels worth it, even when you feel terrible from being pregnant.

"I love them." You whispered and put your hand over hers.

"Me too. Like crazy." She said, sniffling after the words left her lips.

Your stomach growled quietly, interrupting the sweet moment.

Dahyun just chuckled and kissed your small bump before moving in to kiss your lips a few times.

"What would my babies like for breakfast?"

"Anything is fine, as long as you make it for us."

She grinned, her heart fluttering uncontrollably as she got up and kissed your forehead.

"Okay. I'll do my best." She promised and walked back to the stove, promising you a great breakfast.

And as she cooked, she continued to look over at you and your little bump in awe, occasionally feeling tears sting her eyes over how incredibly in love she is with the two of you and how truly happy she feels.

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