tongue ring (requested)

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You could feel all of your worries and stresses from your long day slipping away as Dahyun kissed your neck.

Your heart was racing against your chest as she left a few hickeys across your skin, mumbling words of love against every inch that her lips brushed against.

You're lost in her and the feeling of her soft lips touching your skin, bringing you a feeling of delight and bliss.

But it didn't last as long as you hoped.

At least not in that way.

Because after another moment, she pulled away from your neck and kissed up to your lips, where she pulled you in for a steamy kiss.

Suddenly, she pulled away from the kiss, though.

And she bit your lip, sinking her teeth into your lower lip, causing a sigh to escape from your lips.

"Open your mouth for me, baby girl."

You opened your eyes and gazed at her and that's when you caught a glimpse of the gleam in her eyes.

You know why she wants you to open your mouth.

Your tongue ring.

She wants to play with it.

"Open it right now." She said as the urge to play with your tongue ring overwhelmed her.

And, of course, you did as she said as you wanted to feel the sensation just as much as she did.

You parted your lips and she leaned in, placing her tongue in your mouth.

She toyed with the barbell, moving it around with her tongue to bring you both a rush of bliss.

"God, I love your tongue ring, baby," She said as she brushed her tongue against yours. "It's so sexy on you and so much fun to play with."

You couldn't help but smile a little.

It made you feel good to see her enjoying your tongue ring so much.

She slipped her fingers under your shirt and brushed the tips of them across your skin, caressing every inch of the upper part of your body to make you feel even more ecstasy.

"I could spend the whole night just like this." She said as she twirled her tongue across the steel again. "Just playing with your tongue ring. I love the way it feels against my tongue and the way your eyes roll back when I move it around. I could spend the whole night having this much fun."

"Then why don't you?" You asked with a smirk.

She hummed as she pulled her tongue away from yours to give you a kiss on your lips.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd like mommy to just lay here and play with your tongue ring all night long?"

You excitedly nodded your head.

Who needed sleep when you could spend your time doing this?

You didn't.

You'd much rather stay awake with Dahyun and continue to feel the heightening bliss you're feeling, all because of her.

"I might just take you up on that." She said as she bit your lip again. "Now open your mouth again for me. Mommy wants to play some more."

"Whatever you want." You said as you opened your mouth once more, feeling her tongue crash against yours to continue to play with the ring on your tongue.

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