Chapter 127

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Is that a tattoo on Hayden's wrist? Noting it is writing the first thought to enter my mind is that it is Hannah's name. Is that writing?! Has he written her name?!

Once the waitress's gone Hannah runs a hand over Hayden's bare arm. "I prefer you like this anyway."

I discreetly take my glasses off my head and place them on my nose. I restrain a loud sigh of relief when I get a clear view. Sylvia is written in beautiful calligraphy. I vaguely remember Hannah associating the name to a family members.

I roll my eyes. "Hannah I've got to go home soon."

"Why?" Hannah raises a brow.

Was it necessary for her to ask? 'Cause now I have to lie. I put my entire focus into lathering my cake with custard as I answer her. "Because I promised my sisters I'd take them to Waterstones."

She points her fork at me. "You mean YOU want to go and buy a new book?"

I glare. "No. They want to read the Harry Potter series." Not a lie. Only I'm not getting it for them from Waterstones but Amazon 'cause they're cheaper on there.

Her eyes bulge, surprised. "Wow. You finally managed to get your sisters into reading."

"Hannah," I snap. "Not the point."

"You two bicker like siblings," Hayden says, looking at Damien.

Damien pays him no mind, his focus entirely on his phone as he types angrily. I wonder if he's texting Olivia.

Okay, why do I care? It's none of my business.

I catch Hayden hiding his frown behind his muffin. Though we don't get along, I feel bad for him.

Hannah grabs another cherry. "That's because we're soul sisters."

I'd glare at her for stealing yet another cherry but her sweet words won't let me.

"Hannah be quick please," I plead. Usually, Hannah's the first to finish but for some reason now that I'm in a rush, her plate is more than half full.

"Okay chill, I'll be as fast as I can, but if I get the hiccups, I'm kicking your ass."

I take a huge bite of my cake, eager to go. I hate being this close to Damien yet so far. But most of all, I hate hating it. "Y—."

"It was fucking Maven." Damien interrupts me. "Mavens the one who gave Dariel the fucking drugs."

Hannah's eyes widen and I begin choking on my cake at the mention of Maven's name.

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