As the Tension Grows.

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Brandon laughed out as the name hit his ears. "Andrew!?" Confusion washed over Connor and Jackson as they only knew him by that name. Genevieve was too busy crying to notice the new person, and (Y/n) was staring in silence. "Thats the name you came up with?" Brandon looked towards the boy for confirmation. Gio nodded in shame as he eyed his boyfriend.

"Brandon..." Gio spoke softly.

"I mean... Its about time you tell him the truth right?" Brandon had a sinister look in his eyes as he stared at his friend.

"The truth? Andrew what does he mean..." Connor finally spoke. He wanted to scream but he was too confused.

"Ugh. Andrew isn't his fucking name, you idiot! His name's Giovanni!" Genevieve finally stopped crying and looked up to see the scene before her. (Y/n) looked up at the Giovanni, who's head was down in shame, and looked back towards Connor who was starting to cry.

"Gio...vanni." The red haired male repeated slowly.

"Yup! Good ol Giovanni Gallaway." Brandon pinched his cheek, but Gio was too heartbroken to see Connor's reaction to the news. "I asked him to call your stupid little key club to get some insight on your group, though I hoped (Y/n) would've been the one to go and tutor him. You were fine, though... Until Gio fell for you and got a little too close to get any actual information on you guys."

"What information did you even want Brandon?" Connor asked with tears in his eyes. "Why do you treat him like a pet? Andr-" Connor paused to fix himself. "Giovanni is a human being, why do you use him like you do!?" Brandon stared at the red haired male who was now sending daggers his way. As if it was a natural response, Brandon let out a chuckle that came from the pit of his stomach. He shot a quick glance to Gio, who was still unable to move, and then looked back at Connor.

"I'll have you know, Gio is my dearest friend... And I would never treat him like a pet. He was glad to help in my search for what I wanted from your little friend group... Even it he wasnt all that successful. Gio isnt my pet, but merely a good friend." Brandon looked over to Chris who was standing in a dark corner of the room. "Like Chris! These are my bestest friends In the world here, Connor. Friends- Real friends will follow you, and support your actions." Brandon now looked over to (Y/n) who met his gaze. "Take (Y/n) and Genevieve for example. (Y/n) resisted my relationship with her so much and look at where they are now....." The room fell silent as the teens all waited in anticipation for Brandon to day something. "Well. I guess that doesn't really answer your question tho, does it, Ed Sheeran." Brandon poked at his red haired captive. "I wanted my friend to spy on you and your group cause I wanted to make sure my plan was going alright! And, I guess I saw it as a good way to get you put of the group... It just sort of made sense I guess to let him stay with you." Brandon slithered his way towards the teen and put his hand on his shoulder. "So yeah, that satisfy you?"

Connor looked at him in confusion and hatred, as that whole lecture seemed like a ploy to confuse him. Though, he did not respond, and only continued looking up at him.

"Ok, great. Now let's get you movin' Gio." Brandon moved towards his friend and slinked his way around the males body. He suddenly put an object in Gio's hand that forced him to look down. "Since we have no more use for him... You should kill him. I think its only fair that you get to do the honors seeing as you love him and all."

Gio's eyes widened more than he could possibly believe. Everyone in the room was now staring in pure fear towarda Brandon, who's nonchalant tone only made him words worse. Connor went silent. "W-what B-r-Bran-Don-nn I can't-" Tears were quickly escaping the boy's eyes as he stared a the knife Brandon had placed in his hands.

"What? Not the right weapon? I got a heavier one if you want!" He acted as if he was expecting him to do it.

"N-o! I can't... I c-can't k-ki-kill someone... I can't do that. I can't. I dont want to!" Gio was spiralimg into a full blown Panic attack which forced him to laugh and smile out of fear.

"Oh sure you can! It's not that hard to just-" He made a stabbing motion in Connor's direction. "Y'know? You don't even need to kill him kill him just make the first jab-"

"N-no Brandon. I ca-an't handle thi-s. I can't..." Gio dropped the knife as he fell to the ground, his hands rushing to his face to cover his eyes. Brandon stood for a minute before forming his lips into a small smirk.

"Oh. I see. You aren't at this point yet, the point of just not caring anymore. Yeah, ok, whatever, thats fair I guess. I'll just do it then." He picked up the knife and began walking towards the teen. The room filled with screams from captured teen, but Brandon just ignored it, the thought of bloodshed clouded his mind.

Gio looked up and quickly ran to Brandon and held him back. "N-NO BRANDON! STOP THIS PLEASE!"

"Stop this? I can't! Its too late for me, I might as well go all the way with this shit, right? If my options are either death or prison... Why not just go out with the thought that I actually did something that'll leave a meaning to this situation." To him, he sounded sane... But to the rest of the teens he sounded completely insane.

"NO! You've gone too far! Why ARE you doing this! She doesn't even love you, Brandon. Sh-she seriously wants nothing to do with you! Why even push it!?" Gio was trying to do anything to distract him, cause he thought it was the only thing that would stop him.

"Ouch, man. Tell me something I don't know... I just wanna have some fun." The tone in his voice was starting to have an annoyed tinge to it.

"This isN'T FUN BRANDON." Gio yelled, and shocked most of teens in the room. "Please... You don't have to kill him. Please for me, for me will you please just... Let him go? For me..." Gio looked towards his friend with desperation in his eyes. He was hoping that his friendship would shine through and maybe convince him to have mercy. What he would do after that? Was a still a mystery.

"Oh Gio..." Brandon turned around and put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Thats just not fair, is it?" Gio's heart dropped to the floor as he looked into Brandon's eyes. They were cold, and dark... As the other's already figured out, Brandon had already considered himself a deadman, and he was presenting himself as such. "I already let thingsbslide when Chris 'broke up' with Lainy in order to avoid having her here." Chris widened his eyes as he was figured out. Brandon turned around to look at his friend. "Don't worry though, she didn't find out about this little secret, so I'm not mad." He turned back. "But still, it wouldn't be fair. If I let him live... Then there would be no good explanation for me killing the rest of em." The girl's eyes widened more at the mention of their deaths.

"Brandon.." Gio spoke between tears.

"Its only fair." He shrugged as if his hands were tied. As if he wasn't in control of the situation. He turned around and time seemed to slow for the teens. Gio had one idea, but he was scared. Is that really his only option? He looked around before making his decision, but his eyes flashed with hope as he laid them on Jackson. He was slowly trying to undo his bandana as it had been slightly loosened. Chris was frozen in the corner of the room, and he was the only person who could've won in a fight with Brandon.

Brandon got down on his knees as the two girls started to cry again. "Sorry pretty boy, you just don't really matter."


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