Same Old Same Old.

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The little girl clung to her mothers leg as she looked into the class. Small children were running around. "Sweetheart you'll be fine, it's only your first day! Why don't you go meet some of the kids? Make some new friends!" Haven't... we heard those words before? (Y/n) hesitated before walking more into the room.

Another little girl walked up to (Y/n) and smiled. "Hi I'm Genevieve, wanna play house with me?" (Y/n) replied with a yes before looking back to her mother with her nervous expression washing away. The moment was perfect, and nothing could've ruined it-

"STAY OUT OF TROUBLE!" The mother yelled. Oh jeez....


The bell rang the students were rushing to their buses and cars like the rats fleeing the titanic. "Y'all could come over if you want." (Y/n) offered. 

"Can't, I have practice today, but tomorrow I'm free." Allison replied. Thus started the lines of how they were all busy, and it ended with Genevieve being the only one available to go over. The two walked to (Y/n)'s house, however it wasn't that easy. As soon as they entered (Y/n)'s neighborhood,  more company had arrived. 

"Ladies! What a coincidence meeting you here!" Brandon called from behind them. The girls looked back and found Chris following.

"In the neighborhood... where we both, yknow, live? That's not coincidence dumbass we're neighbors." (Y/n) quipped before turning back around. She felt a small jab from Genevieve.

"(Y/n) What the hell man. Why are you being so rude?" She looked back once more to see the two were gone. "How the..." Genevieve looked at (Y/n) who was staring ahead.

"I told you, Brandon is a bully, and just because you don't believe me doesn't mean I'm going to act like he hasn't made my life a living hell." She felt bad for snapping at her friend, but she knew that Genevieve only cared because she liked him. If it were any other boy that (Y/n) was being rude to she wouldn't defend them.

"Jeez..." The two walked and finally arrived at (Y/n)'s house. They saw that the two boys were already there and watching them walk up to the front door. "How did they get here so fast? They were behind us." Genevieve asked her friend as she opened the door.

"I don't know why don't you ask them." She playfully suggested in a flat voice. To her surprise, Genevieve did just that. She watched in confusion as her friend backed up a few feet to meet the gaze of the boy.

"H-hey Brandon..." She began.

"Yes?" He would've said her name if knew it.

"How did you guys get here so fast?" He smiled and stood up.

"I just know my way around this neighborhood. If only (Y/n) was nicer to me she would also have a better sense of her surroundings." The boy looked over to his neighbor with a smirk. She glared at him and walked over to grab Genevieve's hand.

"Yeah, thanks, but no thanks asshole." She faked a smile and took her friend away and into her house.


"Love you, Bye!"

"Love you too, see you tomorrow, Gen." (Y/n) smiled as her friend got into her mothers car and drove away from her house. She was about to head back inside when, you guessed it, Brandon popped out of nowhere.

"Kinda weird that you say "I love you" to your best friend isn't it?" He leaned against the girls house as he gave her a smug smile.

"Its not weird to care about your friends moron." The girl stopped and crossed her arms as she looked at the boy.

"That's a lot of care. I mean, shit, if I didn't know any better I'd say you two are lesbians." He watched as the girls faces changed from annoyed to angry.

"That's because you don't know any better, and your brain is the size of your fucking heart; microscopic, you dickhead."

"Oh yeah well if you're so smart then you'd learn to stop calling me fucking names." He quickly grabbed her and pinned her to the wall of her house. Her parents we're working late, and that meant no one could really save her with perfect timing.

"Let go of me, now!" She tried to stomp on his foot, but it seemed to do nothing as he was wearing steal toe boots.

"Ooo, try to knee me or something, maybe that'll work!" He laughed as she Raised her knee. He grabbed both her wrists in one hand and grabbed her thigh with the other. "Stop moving! I'll let you go once you answer a few questions for me!" She was about to scream when she realized Chris was standing right next the two, as back up for Brandon.

"What the fuck do you want, Brandon?!" She kept her voice to a regular tone as she didn't really feel like fighting a snake and his pet boulder.

"What's ya friend's name?" He laughed.

"Why do you care?" He dropped her leg and slammed his hand next to her head, making her flinch.

"What's her name, (Y/n)?"

She hestiated but finally told him what he wanted. "Genevieve."

"Good! Why does she always act so weird around me? Does she like me or somethin'?" The girl stayed quiet as he stared her down. After a few minutes of silence. He chuckled. "Whatever, you're such a such a hardass you know that? I'll let you go. My arms getting tired anyway." He stepped back and let the girls arms fall. She huffed and screamed one more insult towards him before running into her house and slamming the door. Brandon looked over to his friend. "Ya think I got her all riled up?" He burst out laughing at his dirty joke while his friend smirked and shook it head.


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