Halloween! (Part 1)

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It was Halloween day, and everyone woke up with determined and excited looks on their faces. (Y/n) was especially happy these days because Brandon had mysteriously passed on walking her to school. She received a good morning text from Jackson and something told her today was gonna be great. Her school was nice enough to give students the day off the day after Halloween ever since a group of teachers came in hungover one year. She quickly put on her dress and did her make up, then she ate breakfast and ran out the door to get to school. Another quirk of her school was that if your class had the most people dressed up your class would win spirit points!

She arrived and went to the groups usual hangout. (Y/n)'s jaw dropped at how everyone looked. "Oh my God look at us!" The group shared her excitement and dispersed once the bell rang. The day was boring, nothing really happening up until lunch.


"So who's picking up who? I can probably pick you guys up if you need. I know I'm picking Laing up." Allison spoke, she was the only one who could drive in the group.

"Connor, Beth, and I have a ride, so we're good." Genevieve assured. The plan was that she and Connor would meet up and that her parents then pick up Beth on the way.

"Jackson said he would walk to my house then we'd walk from there." (Y/n) said in a daze like state.

"I thought your knight in shining armor had a car?" Her best friend playfully poked.

"He does, and he can drive he just can't drive me anywhere yet. He has to wait 1 more month." Genevieve rolled her eyes and the group continued to discuss their plans until they all inevitably separated. The day once again began the boring routine of classes and nothing big happening. (Y/n) and Jackson talked about their excitement and plans all period because the teacher gave up trying to get the students attention. Days on and before holidays are always the worst for actually learning anything.

The bell rang and the plans were all set in motion. Everyone in the group was on their way home and getting ready for the big party. Crowns were put atop the girls' heads, along with mushroom heads, and mustaches went upon the males. The air was bubbly and full of excitement. Now you may be wondering: "Why are they getting ready so early? The party starts later, no?" Well yes, but everyone was so eager to get ready and some needed to leave early in order to pick others up. (Y/n) bubbled with joy as she put on her make up. Everything in her life seemed to be looking up; Good friends, Good grades, Friends, a new boyfriend, and even Brandon was leaving her alone! What a nice week its been, and tonight was the icing on the cake. Each one of the group members felt deep down inside them that tonight was going to be special. For Allison it was probably her last Halloween with her friends, and for Lainy it was her first. Although time seemed to creep by for the excited teens, their moment of arrival would be sooner than they expected.


"Connor please be honest with me, are you going to drink?" The male in question readjusted his hat as his parents drove him to Genevives house, rolling his eyes.

"Mary please, he's a teenager, he's gonna lie to us either way." His dad chuckled. "You should live while you're young, and have fun tonight! Just call us when your ready to come home, I don't need the police knocking on my door and returning you home in nothing but your Underwear and socks because you tried to eat your clothes in a drunken state." The three family members laughed at the dads joke, but knew this was actually true to the father's past.

They finally arrived at Genevieve's house. She looked up from her porch steps and her eyes lit up. "FINALLY!" She grabbed her small purse and ran to the car. "Took you 80 years dude, you said you were hear like 20 minutes ago."

"Y-yeah... "Here" as in here in the car." Connor nervously smiled. The two bickered the whole ride there, which both enthused and annoyed the adults in the front seat. They couldn't believe they weren't dating yet, and often dropped hints to the two in order to make them see the other in a different light. After a seemingly long drive the four pulled up to the house which was currently booming with music and looked as if every light bulb was replaced with a rainbow colored counterpart. The members of the group were standing outside talking to a few of the other party guests and looked as if they were waiting for Mario and Peach to arrive. The two teens thanked the parents for the ride and left the car, still bickering about being late, which will most likely not be dropped for the rest of the night.

"Wow look at us! We officially would definitely win if there was a costume contest." Beth smiled as she looked at all of her friends. They agreed and walked into the house. Everyone was bobbing their heads to whatever song played. Red solo cups were both in hands and strewn across the floor. The costumes ranged from trash bags to completely decked out media characters. The group felt right at home as they walked around and spoke to different people they knew, so it was nice to skip the start of the party awkwardness.


At some point during the night the group split up into the predictable sections. Allison and Lainy were talking to some of the other girls from Allison's soccer team. Beth would normally be hanging out with Connor, only slightly hoping he would slip into the more flirtatious tone that he would use to joke around with Genevieve. (Y/n) and Genevieve were sitting in what appeared to be in a living room near the entrance, their video game, and semi real, love interests at their side. It seemed to be less crowded in there since everyone was focused on the "quiet girl" finally opening up and becoming the true alcoholic she was meant to be. Many different kinds of people were coming in and out of the front door, but the next guests really caught the attention of the four main Mario characters.

(Y/n)'s happy and relaxed tone came to an abrupt stop once her eyes fell on the three devils who had just walked in. "What. The. Fuck." Her sudden change of tone in her voice caused her friends to become curious and look towards the door.

Brandon, Christopher, and Giovanni had just entered the door, and everyone was impressed with how much detail their costumes were. They looked around, scanning the room for a specific someone. Target spotted. (Y/n) felt her stomach fall and churn as they made eye contact. Brandon winked and smirked as he and his henchmen walked into the kitchen.


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